Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (2024)

Table of Contents
General Resources on Bark, Wood Boring & Ambrosia Beetles​ Bark and Woodboring Beetles of the World Illustrated key to Central American and Mexican Dendroctonus Illustrated key to North American Dendroctonus Illustrated key to North American Ips, Orthotomicus, and Pseudips Jiri Hulcr Lab at the University of Florida Key to the World Species of Ips Ohio State University Thomas H. Atkinson USDA Forest Service Ambrosia Beetle U.S. Forest Service Research and Development Yale University, Spread of Bark Beetles Ambrosia Beetle Recommended Literature Asian Long-Horned Beetle Anoplophora glabripennis Learn More California Five-Spined Ips Ips paraconfusus Learn More Cedar Bark Beetle Pholeosinus spp. Recommended Literature Douglas Fir Engraver Recommended Literature Scolytus unispinosus Douglas Fir Beetle Dendroctonus pseudotsugae Recommended Literature Emerald Ash Borer Agrilus planipennis Learn More Fir Engraver Learn More Scolytus ventralis Goldspotted Oak Borer Agrilus auroguttatus Learn More Recommended Literature Invasive Shothole Borers Euwallacea fornicatus and E. kuroshio Learn More Recommended Literature IpsBeetle Ips spp. Learn More JeffreyPineBeetle Dendroctonus jefferyi Learn More Recommended Literature MediterraneanOak Borer Xyleborus monographus Learn More Recommended Literature MountainPineBeetle Dendroctonus ponderosae Learn More Recommended Literature Pine Engraver Ips pini Learn More Euwallacea sp. Red Turpentine Beetle Dendroctonus valens Learn More Recommended Literature Western Oak Bark Beetle Pseudopityophthorus pubipennis Learn More Western Pine Beetle Dendroctonus brevicomis Learn More Recommended Literature Wood Boring Beetle Dendroctonus brevicomis Learn More Back to Insects Cone Insects References
Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (1)

Many different species of bark and wood boring beetles currently threaten California forests. Some native, some not, bark beetles have become particularly widespread following many years of drought. These pests cause disease and die-off in healthy trees and are the cause of widespread mortality in many swathes of the California forest landscape.

General Resources on Bark, Wood Boring & Ambrosia Beetles

Ambrosia Beetle

Monarthrum sp.

Location:native to western North America

Impact significance:

Hosts: fa*geceaespp. including Quercus agifolia, Q. kelloggii and Lithocarpus denisiflorus

Biology: Adult ambrosia beetles attack host trees that are dying, weakened, diseased, or recently dead. Males initiate attack by constructing a gallery and a nuptial chamber in the sapwood. After joining the male in the nuptial chamber, the couple mates and the female introduces a symbiotic fungus,Monilia brunneafrom mycangia. Both sexes then excavate two to four diverging galleries in the sapwood. Eggs are laid in niches cut into the walls of the galleries, which are enlarged into cradles by larvae feeding on the fungus.

Damage: The pinhole damage in the wood and the dark staining resulting from the fungal growth in the galleries, degrade wood quality of lumber and other products.

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Ambrosia beetle, E. Richard Hoebeke, Cornell University,

Ambrosia beetle

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Ambrosia beetle, E. Richard Hoebeke, Cornell University,

Ambrosia beetle


Recommended Literature

  • Noseworthy, M., L. Humble, J. Sweeney, P. Silk and P. Mayo. 2012. Attraction of Monoarthrum scutellare(Coleoptera: Cuculionidae: Scolytinae) to hydroxy ketones and host volatiles. Can. J. For. Res. 42:1851-1857

Asian Long-Horned Beetle

Anoplophora glabripennis

The Asian Longhorned Beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis, or ALB) is a threat to America’s hardwood trees.

Location:California, Massachusetts, New York, Ohio

Impact Significance:

Destructive wood-boring pest of maple and other hardwoods. It threatens recreation and forest resources valued at billions of dollars.

Hosts:Hardwood Trees


Wood-boring invasive insect. Adult beetles are large, distinctive-looking insects measuring 1 to 1.5 inches in length with long antennae. Their bodies are black with small white spots, and their antennae are banded in black and white.


Females lay eggs under the bark of the tree. In two weeks, larva bores into the tree, feeding on the living tissue. Over the course of a year, larvae turn into adults. Adults then chew their way out of the tree, leaving exit holes. Finally, the adults feed on leaves and bark. This process eventually kills the tree.

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Asian long-horned beetle, Gerald J. Lenhard, Louisiana State University,

Asian long-horned beetle

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (5)

Asian long-horned beetle, Kenneth R. Law, USDA APHIS PPQ,

Asian long-horned beetle

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (6)

Asian long-horned beetle, Gerald J. Lenhard, Louisiana State University,

Asian long-horned beetle


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California Five-Spined Ips

Ips paraconfusus

Location:California, Massachusetts, New York, Ohio

Impact Significance:

Destructive wood-boring pest of maple and other hardwoods. It threatens recreation and forest resources valued at billions of dollars.

Hosts:Hardwood Trees


Wood-boring invasive insect. Adult beetles are large, distinctive-looking insects measuring 1 to 1.5 inches in length with long antennae. Their bodies are black with small white spots, and their antennae are banded in black and white.


Females lay eggs under the bark of the tree. In two weeks, larva bores into the tree, feeding on the living tissue. Over the course of a year, larvae turn into adults. Adults then chew their way out of the tree, leaving exit holes. Finally, the adults feed on leaves and bark. This process eventually kills the tree.

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California five-spined ips, Pest and Diseases Image Library ,

California five-spined ips

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (8)

California five-spined ips, Damage, Christine Buhl, Oregon Department of Forestry,

California five-spined ips

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (9)

California five-spined ips, Pest and Diseases Image Library ,

California five-spined ips


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  • California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Tree Notes

Cedar Bark Beetle

Pholeosinus spp.

Location:Rocky Mountain Region

Impact Significance:Cause flagging in sections of the tree or the entire crown from adults feeding on twigs. Significant host damage or death can result when adults attack live but stressed trees.

Hosts:Rocky Mountain, Utah junipers, eastern red cedar, ornamental junipers


The tiny reddish-brown to black beetles are about 1/8th inch long. They are relatively unaggressive and require trees stressed by drought, adverse weather, chemical exposure, improper planting or care, soil compaction, animal damage and other factors resulting in poor growth. The beetle has one generation per year and they overwinter as larvae under the bark. The tunneling of the larvae results in damage to the water-conducting tissues in the stem. Because of this, damage can resemble drought stress.

Freshly emerged beetles feed on the ends of branches and notch the bark. Significant damage results when the adults attack the branches or trunks of live but stressed trees and produce a brood.


Major sections of the tree crown or entire crown will discolor from yellow-green to red-brown. Close inspection of the trunk will reveal fine sawdust in bark crevices and around the trunk. Removing the bark will reveal the galleries created by the larvae and adult.

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (10)

Cedar bark beetle, E. Richard Hoebeke, Cornell University,

Cedar bark beetle

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (11)

Cedar bark beetle damage, William M. Ciesla, Forest Health Management International,

Cedar bark beetle damage

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (12)

Cedar bark beetle, E. Richard Hoebeke, Cornell University,

Cedar bark beetle


Recommended Literature

  • Leatherman, D., and D. Lange. 1997. Western Cedar Bark Beetles. Colorado State Forest Service fact sheet, Ft. Collins, CO.

  • Furniss, M. and J. Johnson. 2002. Field Guide to the Bark Beetles of Idaho and Adjacent Regions. University of Idaho, Agric. Pub., Moscow, ID. Station Bulletin 74.

  • Furniss, R., and V.Carolin. 1977. Western Forest Insects. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service miscellaneous publication no. 1339.

Douglas Fir Engraver

Location:Across the range of Douglas-fir

Impact Significance:It is of minor economic importance.

Hosts: Douglas-fir is the principal host

Biology:Depending on location will have one or two generations per year. Beetles usually attack in the spring and create a short longitudinal egg gallery in the cambium layer. The larvae galleries tend to turn upward and downward from the nuptial chamber. Beetles are less than 3mm and have a "sawed-off" posterior.

Damage:They attack small diameter Douglas-fir trees and tops of larger trees. Beetles prefer to attack trees that are drought stressed and are common during drought periods. Beetles can cause mortality in smaller trees and top-kill or branch-kill in larger trees with occasional mortality in larger trees. Larvae feed under the bark in the phloem layer.

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Douglas fir engraver, Joseph Benzel, Screening Aids, USDA APHIS PPQ,

Douglas fir engraver

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (14)

Douglas fir engraver damage, Wayne Brewer, Auburn University,

Douglas fir engraver damage

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (15)

Douglas fir engraver, Joseph Benzel, Screening Aids, USDA APHIS PPQ,

Douglas fir engraver


Recommended Literature

Scolytus unispinosus

Douglas Fir Beetle

Dendroctonus pseudotsugae

Impact Significance:Outbreaks can be short lived but may devastate susceptible stands. Outbreaks are triggered by a disturbance such as wind-throw, fire scorch or defoliation and typically last 2-4 years. but maybe prolonged during periods of drought.

Hosts: Douglas-fir, occasionally downed western larch

Biology:Distinctive egg galleries are constructed beneath the bark. The female beetle bore upward through the phloem and galleries are parallel to the wood grain and commonly 8-10 inches long. Eggs are laid in groups, alternating along opposite sides of the galleries. Once hatched, larvae mine outward perpendicular to the egg gallery as they feed in the phloem. Douglas-fir beetle has one generation per year.

Several months after a tree has been attached, its foliage begins to discolor from yellow to orange and finally reddish brown. Typically trees begin to fade the year following the attack.

Damage:Evidence of successful attack is orange-brown boring dust found in bark crevices on the lower portion of the tree's bole or ground. Occasional clear resin streams from 30-35 feet above ground is evidence of infestation.

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douglas fir beetle, William M. Ciesla, Forest Health Management International,

douglas fir beetle

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (17)

Douglas fir beetle engravings, William M. Ciesla, Forest Health Management International, Bugwood.or

Douglas fir beetle engravings

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (18)

Douglas-fir beetle life cycle

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (19)

douglas fir beetle, William M. Ciesla, Forest Health Management International,

douglas fir beetle


Recommended Literature

Emerald Ash Borer

Emerald ash borer (EAB) is an invasive insect from Asia that kills ash trees.

Location:California, Various

Impact Significance:Trees lose 30 to 50% of canopy after 2 years infestation and die within 3-4 years

Hosts:White ash (Fraxinus americana), black ash (F.nigra), red ash (F. pennslyvanica), green ash (F. pennsylvanica var. subintegerrima) and several horticultural varieties of ash

Biology:The body is a golden green or brassy color overall with darker, metallic emerald green wing covers.


Killed hundreds of millions of ash trees in North America. The adult beetles nibble on ash foliage but cause little damage. The larvae (the immature stage) feed on the inner bark of ash trees, disrupting the tree’s ability to transport water and nutrients.

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Emerald Ash Borer

Emerald Ash Borer

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (21)

Emerald Ash Borer

Emerald Ash Borer


Agrilus planipennis

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Fir Engraver

Location:California, Various

Impact Significance:T


Grand fir (Abies grandis), White fir (Abies concolor), Red fir (Abies magnifica), Noble fir (Abies procera). Reported infesting on Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), Subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) and Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla). On rare occasions Spruce (Picea engelmanii).


Fir engraver has one generation through most of its range, though 2 years may be required at high elevations, and during warmer years a partial second generation may be formed.

Adult fir engraver are shiny black beetles about 4mm long. There is no evidence of aggregation pheromones and attacks are from the attraction response to host volatiles.

Females initiate attacks on standing green trees, freshly cut logs and recent wind throws. Females bore into the tree bark and is followed by a male and mates and then creates a horizontal gallery in either direction from the nuptial chamber.. This gallery is located between the outter and inner bark and engraves the inner wood, hence the name "engraver beetle". Females will lay between 100-300 eggs along the gallery. The female also carries the fungus Trichosporium symbioticumthat only the phloem, cambium, and outermost annual ring of the xylem, which helps the beetle in reducing the trees vigor for additional successful attacks.

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Fir engraver, Donald Owen, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection,

Fir engraver

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (23)

Fir engraver damage, Donald Owen, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection,

Fir engraver damage

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Fir engraver, Donald Owen, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection,

Fir engraver


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Fir engraver will attack trees of any size and often attack the tree crown, killing individual branches. Unlike other bark beetles, fir engraver only needs to kill a strip of cambium near its gallery to successfully reproduce. Because of this, tree symptoms can be variable from dead branches, top kill and complete tree mortality. Trees that appear healthy are rarely killed except when stressed or affected by root disease.

Scolytus ventralis

Goldspotted Oak Borer

Agrilus auroguttatus

Status: Introduced

Native to southeastern Arizona, the goldspotted oak borer (GSOB) is an invasive flatheaded borer killing mature susceptible oak trees in southern California. It continues to spread to new locations.


Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego Counties in California. Distribution and risk maphere.

Hosts (in California):

Red oak species (Quercus Section Lobatae), including coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia), California black oak (Q. kelloggii), and canyon live oak (Q. chrysolepis). Laboratory experiments indicate that interior live oak (Q. wislizeni) is susceptible, but infestations in the field have not been observed. GSOB attacks but does not kill Engelmann oak (Q. engelmannii), a white oak species (Quercus Section Quercus).


Managing GSOB involves preventing introductions to new areas and containing the pest where it has established to slow its spread. To prevent new introductions,do not move logs and firewood more than several miles from their origin.Buy firewood locally or gather on site where permitted.Detailed guidelines were developed and tailored to particular infested and non-infested settings in California. The focus in non-infested high-risk areas is prevention, annualmonitoring, anddeveloping a coordinated strategic action plan to enable a rapid and appropriate response. Stickem-coated purple prism panel flight-intercept traps can be used to monitor GSOB, ideally from May to September. However, traps are ineffective at preventing or suppressing a GSOB infestation or detecting beetles where population densities are low (<20% infestation) and are not sensitive enough to guide management decisions(Coleman et al. 2017).Evaluating severity of signs and symptoms on trees, ideally from November to May, is the most effective method for finding GSOB infestations. Actions onmonitored and evaluated trees within infested areas depend on severity of GSOB injury (degree of crown thinning, exit hole density, bark staining, presence/absence of woodpecker foraging), tree status (health, location, value), and site infestation status. If within 1/2 mile of a GSOB infestation, preventative contact insecticides (i.e., carbaryl and bifenthrin) can be applied to the main stem and larger branches of high-value oaks that are healthy (> 50% leaves alive) or lightly infested (< 25 D-shaped exit holes)(Coleman et al. 2017). Insecticides should be applied annually by acertified pest applicator early to mid-May, before GSOB adult activity(Coleman et al. 2017; Hishinuma et al. 2011). Viable beetles can disperse from cut wood if trees were alive or died within two years before cutting. Hence, bark or intact wood from removed heavily infested oaks (> 25 exit holes and < 50% leaves alive)must be handled properly to kill and contain the pest within infested areas and decrease the risk of GSOB attacking healthy oaks nearby. Oak firewood free of bark will not transport GSOB, but all bark must be removed to the sapwood. Grind infested material to 3-inches using a tub grinder or whole-tree chipper to kill the beetles, ideally before beetle emergence in May(Coleman et al. 2017). Alternatively, contain bark or intact logs using #18 sized fine-mesh aluminum window screening or UV-resistant 6mil plastic tarps, and leave in full sun to season for two years. Maintain a tight seal during seasoning to trap emerging beetles until they die from starvation by either burying the tarp edges in dirt or fashioning aluminum screens into “bags” with tightly secured seams. Review more details on implementing these measures and their pros and cons on theGSOB Story Map and Best Management Practices for handling logs and firewood. Always consult with a tree care professional, CAL FIRE, or the UC Cooperative Extension office if you suspect GSOB in your oak trees.


The goldspotted oak borer (GSOB; Agrilus auroguttatus) is an invasive buprestid beetle in California that was likely introduced via infested firewood from its native range in southeastern Arizona into San Diego County(Coleman et al. 2017). GSOB was first detected in survey traps in 2004 and linked to oak mortality and injury in 2008. It has expanded its range partly through natural dispersal from the Cleveland National Forest and Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, where it was introduced. However, movement of infested firewood is most likely responsible for GSOB establishing satellite infestations within San Diego County and into Riverside (2012), Orange (2014), Los Angeles (2015), and San Bernardino (2019) Counties. The pest has the greatest impact on large diameter red oak species (Quercus Section Lobatae), infesting up to 90% of trees where it established and causing up to 45% mortality at elevations from sea level to 6,000 feet (Coleman et al. 2017). Over 80,000 oaks have died from GSOB-attack. Hosts are widely distributed throughout California, from Baja California to Oregon, which puts many urban and wildland forests at risk of GSOB-establishment and subsequent tree mortality that can impact ecosystem health and affect the safety of people and wildlife.

Initial preference for GSOB attack is on trees within 150 feet from the forest edge(Coleman et al. 2017). Adults cause minor damage in the oak foliage where they feed and mate in the crown or on the bark surface of the main stem or larger branches. Females lay eggs in fissures and crevices on the bark surface, typically within 1.5 meters from the ground on the man stem and larger branches as the infestation advances(Coleman and Seybold 2008). Larvae emerge from the eggs and bore through the bark into the phloem. Removal of bark reveals meandering 4-mm wide larval galleries filled with dark frass. Mature larvae cause the majority of the damage as they feed from July to mid-December at the interface of the xylem and phloem. Extensive feeding kills large areas of phloem that eventually girdles the tree, causing it to die within 3 to 5 years. Damage causes crown thinning and blood-red oozing sap stains and bark cracking around patches of dead phloem. Adults chew a 4-mm wide D-shaped emergence hole through the outer bark, a diagnostic characteristic for GSOB presence(Flint et al. 2013). Symptoms can be confused with stress or other pests, so confirming GSOB by the presence of larvae and/or exit holes is essential. Exit holes can serve as infection courts for opportunistic fungal pathogens that also impact tree health(Lynch et al. 2014).

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (25)

Gold Spotted Oak Borer

Gold Spotted Oak Borer

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (26)

Gold Spotted Oak Borer

Gold Spotted Oak Borer


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Recommended Literature

Coleman, T. W., Jones, M. I., Smith, S. L., Venette, R. C., Flint, M. L., and Seybold, S. J. 2017. Goldspotted Oak Borer.Forest Insect & Disease Leaflet. 183:1–16.

Coleman, T.W., V. Lopez , P. Rugman-Jones, R. Stouthamer, S. J. Seybold, R. Reardon, M.S. Hoddle. 2012. Can the destruction of California’s oak woodlands be prevented? Potential for biological control of the goldspotted oak borer, Agrilus auroguttatus. BioControl (2012) 57:211–225 DOI 10.1007/s10526-011-9404-4

Coleman, T. W., and Seybold, S. J. 2008. Previously unrecorded damage to oak, Quercus spp., in southern California by the goldspotted oak borer, Agrilus coxalis Waterhouse (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). The Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 84:288–300.

Flint, M.L., M.I. Jones, T.W. Coleman, and S.J. Seybold. 2013. Goldspotted oak borer. University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program, Oakland, California, Agriculture and Natural Resources Pest Notes, Pub. 74163, January 2013, 7 pp. http://www. html

Hishinuma, S., Coleman, T. W., Flint, M. L., and Seybold, S. J. 2011. Goldspotted Oak Borer Field Identification Guide. USDA-Forest Service.

Lynch, S. C., Zambino, P. J., Scott, T. A., and Eskalen, A. 2014. Occurrence, incidence and associations among fungal pathogens and Agrilus auroguttatus, and their roles in Quercus agrifolia decline in California. Forest Pathology. 44:62–74.

Invasive Shothole Borers

Euwallacea fornicatus and E. kuroshio

Status: Introduced

The invasive shothole borers (ISHB) are two closely related ambrosia beetle species that form a symbiotic relationship with specific pathogenic fungal species of Fusarium and other fungi that together cause Fusarium Dieback on a wide variety of woody hosts.


PSHB: Southern California, Israel, South Africa, and Australia.

KSHB: Southern California

California distribution maphere.


The combined effects of ISHB and their Fusarium pathogens have killed or caused dieback on 77 tree species on which the beetles can reproduce. Hosts occur across varied and complex landscapes, including wildland forests, urban forests, and avocado groves. A full and updated list of host species can be found in Supporting information (Table S1) inLynch et al. 2021.


Use theISHB detection and management assessment tool to determine best steps for managing invasive shothole borers-Fusarium dieback disease suspect trees on your property. A comprehensive set of management guidelines can be reviewed In general, the primary management goal for FD–ISHB is to limit its expansion and minimize its impacts in already established areas. To prevent new introductions,do not move logs and firewood more than several miles from their origin.Buy firewood locally or gather on site where permitted. Solarize, compost, or kiln-dry infested material (more about these options here). To prevent pathogen spread,sanitize wood-handling tools (i.e., clippers, saws, chainsaws, wood chipping equipment) that come into contact with infested wood before handling non-infested trees. Ideally, prune non-infested trees in batches before working with infested trees. Regular monitoring is critical to ensure a rapid and appropriate response to new infestations. Strategize initial monitoring efforts by inspecting sycamore trees because they are common in urban and wildland forests and symptoms on the host are easy to identify. Learn how to identify and assess different sycamore varietieshere. Learn how to identify signs and symptoms of FD–ISHB and other pest look-alikesoverall here andhere for willow species. For trap monitoring, use white sticky panel traps with a querciverol lure (not ethanol). In Southern California, monitor traps monthly in Spring (February – April) and early fall (September – October), when beetles fly the most. Adjust trap schedules according to local conditions suitable for beetle flight (68 F – 84 F between 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.). Traps are not effective at preventing or suppressing an ISHB infestation.

Actions onmonitored and evaluated trees depend on host type (“reproductive” or not), severity of ISHB attack (number of entry holes), tree status (health, location, value, hazard concerns), site infestation status, and available resources. Remove actively infested branches from low to moderately infested trees (<150 entry holes) and treat with pesticides as appropriate following guidelines in themanagement matrix. Pesticides should be applied by acertified pest applicator in early spring and fall when adult beetles emerge. Preventative chemical treatments on non-infested trees or curative treatments on heavily infested trees (>150 entry holes associated with branch dieback) are not effective. Consult a forest health professional orcertified arborist on decisions concerning removal of actively heavily infested trees. Pruned infested branches or removed treesmust be handled properly to prevent viable beetles from dispersing from cut wood. Chip wood to sizes less than one inch to kill >99.9% of beetles (Jones and Paine 2015; Umeda and Paine 2019). If wood cannot be chipped, tightly cover cut logs immediately andfollow directions for solarization or kiln-drying. Grind or bury stumps of removed trees and treat with bifenthrin or Bacillus subtilis. Always cover infested material while in transit.


The polyphagous (PSHB) and Kuroshio (KSHB) shothole borers (together known as invasive shothole borers, or ISHB) have evolved an obligate mutualism with wood-inhabiting, closely related Fusarium species over the last 21 million years (Fusarium euwallacea and F. kuroshium respectively). The combined effects of the beetles and these fungi cause Fusarium dieback. Genetic analysis indicates that ISHB was introduced into California from Southeast Asia on two separate occasions from Vietnam (PSHB) and Taiwan (KSHB) (Stouthamer et al. 2017), presumably via infested wood packaging or plant material. In 2003, a single PSHB beetle was caught in a CDFA trap in Los Angeles. The species went unnoticed until 2012 when it was found damaging a backyard avocado tree and urban forest trees in the Los Angeles basin (Eskalen et al. 2013). Since 2012, the PSHB beetle-fungus complex has spread throughout Los Angeles and Orange counties, and into certain areas of Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura counties. A separate invasion by KSHB occurred in San Diego County in early 2014, and has since been detected in Orange, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo counties (Rios, 2015). Trap data indicate that the ISHB range is rapidly expanding and preliminary research suggests that the beetles can survive as far north as Tehama County(Umeda and Paine 2019).

Unlike most bark and ambrosia beetles, ISHB prefer healthy, well-watered trees (Boland 2016; Swain et al. 2017). When the female beetles attack the tree, they chew through the wood and make tunnels known as galleries. The females inoculate the tunnel with the fungi they carry, creating a fungal garden in the gallery wall that serves as the sole food source for the resident adults and developing larvae. Young female beetles mate with sibling males and then pack fungal spores in specialized mouthparts (mycangia) before leaving the natal gallery to produce a new gallery on the same or neighboring tree. Males never leave the tree. ISHB females carry other fungi but Fusarium spp. are the most abundant (Lynch et al. 2016). The fungi are also pathogens that slowly spread and kill the plant tissue.Attack symptoms exhibited by infested host trees vary by species and include staining, gumming, sugary exudates, and or frass outside of boring holes, but can be induced by other pest species.

The beetles alone attack over 300 tree species in 64 families. The beetles and pathogenic fungi can reproduce on a subset of 77 host species and spread to other hosts, which drives the spread of the epidemic. Twenty host species are native to California and are common components to many forest communities throughout the state. California native and ornamental host species comprise 25% to 60% of all individuals planted in the urban landscape in Southern California. For most of the “reproductive” hosts, we observe mostly branch dieback, but not death, but a subset of 18 species can be killed when attacked, which is important in terms of ecological impact. These impacts are predicted by host evolutionary relationships, which can be used as a tool to predict which plant communities worldwide will the complex most likely establish and cause damage.

In Southern California, FD–ISHB has caused extensive destruction in riparian ecosystems. By October 2015, KSHB infested more than 280,000 willow trees (Salix spp.) in 597 acres of riparian forest in the Tijuana River Valley, with more than 140,000 trees suffering major limb damage (Boland 2016).Many new areas of native vegetation in Southern California continue to be invaded, and many of the affected locations are critical breeding habitats for endangered bird species. In addition to native vegetation, FD–ISHB has established and spread through urban forests and the main avocado-growing regions of California, which produce 90% of the United States domestic crop. Initial estimates suggest that FD–ISHB has the potential to kill roughly 27 million trees (38%) in Southern California’s 4,244-square mile urban region (McPherson et al. 2016). Tree losses and costly large-scale tree removal efforts to manage the problem could have unintended consequences for the environment and public health.

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Invasive shot hole borer

Invasive shot hole borer

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (28)

Invasive shot hole borer

Invasive shot hole borer


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Recommended Literature

Boland, J. M. 2016. The Impact of an Invasive Ambrosia Beetle on the Riparian Habitats of the Tijuana River Valley, California.PeerJ 4:e2141.

Eskalen, A., Stouthamer, R., Lynch, S. C., Rugman-Jones, P. F., Twizeyimana, M., Gonzalez, A., et al. 2013. Host Range of Fusarium Dieback and its Ambrosia Beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) Vector in Southern California.Plant Disease 97:938–951.

Jones, M. E., and Paine, T. D. 2015. Effect of Chipping and Solarization on Emergence and Boring Activity of a Recently Introduced Ambrosia Beetle (Euwallacea sp., Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in Southern California.Journal of Economic Entomology 108:1852–1859.

Lynch, S. C., Eskalen, A., and Gilbert, G. S. 2021. Host Evolutionary Relationships Explain Tree Mortality Caused by a Generalist Pest–Pathogen Complex.Evolutionary Applications 14:1083–1094.

Lynch, S.C., Eskalen, A., Gilbert, G.S. New Pest-Disease Complex Threatens California Forests.Cal-IPC News 24(2):10;12-13.

Lynch, S. C., Twizeyimana, M., Mayorquin, J. S., Wang, D. H., Na, F., Kayim, M., et al. 2016. Identification, Pathogenicity and Abundance of Paracremonium pembeum sp. nov. and Graphium euwallaceae sp. nov. –Two Newly Discovered Mycangial Associates of the Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer (Euwallacea sp.) in California.Mycologia 108:313–329.

McPherson, E. G., van Doorn, N., and de Goede, J. 2016. Structure, Function, and Value of Street Trees in California, USA.Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 17:104–115.

Mendel, Z., Lynch, S.C., Eskalen, A., Protasov, A., Maymon, M., Freeman, S. 2021. What determines host range and reproductive performance of an invasive ambrosia beetle Euwallacea fornicatus; lessons from observations in Israel and California.Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4:1-15.

Paap, T., De Beer, Z. W., Migliorini, D., Nel, W. J., Wingfield, M. J. 2018. The Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer (PSHB) and its Fungal Symbiont Fusarium euwallaceae: A New Invasion in South Africa.Australasian Plant Pathology, 47(2), 231–237. Rios, S. 2015.

Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer: San Diego Population Now Known as Kuroshio Shot Hole

Stouthamer, R., Rugman-Jones, P., Thu, P. Q., Eskalen, A., Thibault, T., Hulcr, J., et al. 2017. Tracing the Origin of a Cryptic Invader: Phylogeography of the Euwallacea fornicatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Species Complex.Agricultural and Forest Entomology 19:366–375.

Swain, S., Eskalen, A., Lynch, S., and Latham, S. 2017. Scolytid Beetles and Associated Fungal Symbionts Threaten California Hardwoods.Western Arborist :54–60


Ips spp.

Status: Native

Hosts (in California):All pine species are attacked

Biology: There are two generations, in dry years three or even four generations may occur. Adults become active in early spring, infesting fresh slash or winter-damaged trees. Attacks are initiated by the male beetle, which construct the nuptial chamber beneath the bark. Females are attracted to the male pheromones and after mating, egg galleries radiate from the nuptial chamber. Unlike many other bark beetles egg galleries are free from boring dust and frass. Beetles prefer fresh from logging, construction activity, or natural events, but living trees may be attacked during outbreaks.

Damage:In standing trees, fading tops of large trees or whole crowns can be an indicator ofIps spp.Other external evidence consists of accumulation of boring in the bark crevices and at the based of the tree. Occasional pitch tubes can be found on the trunk. Most pine engraver problems are associated with disturbances such as windthrow or ice breakage, drought, thinning, logging, fires, road construction, etc.

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Ips. Timothy Haley, USDA Forest Service,

Ips calligraphus and Ips grandicollis galleries in windthrown longleaf

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Ips Beetle

Ips Beetle

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Ips. Timothy Haley, USDA Forest Service,

Ips calligraphus and Ips grandicollis galleries in windthrown longleaf


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Dendroctonus jefferyi

Status: Native

Hosts (in California): Jeffrey pine

Management: The bole spray insecticide carbaryl is typically effective in protecting trees from Jeffrey pine beetle. Semiochemical-based anti-aggregation products, like those used to protect other pine species from bark beetles, haven’t been developed for Jeffrey pine beetle, in part because an aggregation pheromone (needed for testing such a product) hasn’t been fully developed. As with most bark beetles, maintaining healthy, well-spaced, vigorous stands increases tree defense (resin flow). Diversity in tree species present in stands is also typically beneficial since western pine beetle won’t attack, colonize, or reproduce in non-hosts. A forest health professional should be consulted for site and time specific control measures.

Highlights: Jeffrey pine beetle looks very similar to mountain pine beetle. Its galleries are similar, although not identical. Jeffrey pine beetle is one of the largest species of bark beetles. Like many bark beetles, Jeffrey pine beetle carries yeasts along with a mycangial blue-staining fungus—in this case Ophiostoma claviger—with it.

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Jeffrey pine beetle. Erich G. Vallery, USDA Forest Service - SRS-4552,

Jeffrey pine beetle

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Blue stain fungus on a Jeffrey pine colonized by Jeffrey pine beetle. USDA Forest Service - Forest H

Blue stain fungus on a Jeffrey pine colonized by Jeffrey pine beetle

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Jeffery pine beetle damage, tia smith,

Jeffery pine beetle damage

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Jeffrey pine beetle. Erich G. Vallery, USDA Forest Service - SRS-4552,

Jeffrey pine beetle


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Recommended Literature

Bradley, T. and Tueller, P., 2001. Effects of fire on bark beetle presence on Jeffrey pine in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Forest Ecology and Management, 142(1-3), pp.205-214.

Egan, J.M., Sloughter, J.M., Cardoso, T., Trainor, P., Wu, K., Safford, H. and Fournier, D., 2016. Multi-temporal ecological analysis of Jeffrey pine beetle outbreak dynamics within the Lake Tahoe Basin. Population ecology, 58(3), pp.441-462.

Hood, S.M., Cluck, D.R., Jones, B.E. and Pinnell, S., 2018. Radial and stand‐level thinning treatments: 15‐year growth response of legacy ponderosa and Jeffrey pine trees. Restoration Ecology, 26(5), pp.813-819.

Paine, T.D., Millar, J.G., Hanlon, C.C. and Hwang, J.S., 1999. Identification of semiochemicals associated with Jeffrey pine beetle, Dendroctonus jeffreyi. Journal of chemical ecology, 25(3), pp.433-453.

Seybold, S.J., Bentz, B.J., Fettig, C.J., Lundquist, J.E., Progar, R.A. and Gillette, N.E., 2018. Management of western North American bark beetles with semiochemicals. Annual review of entomology, 63, pp.407-432.

Smirnova, E., Khormali, O. and Egan, J.M., 2019. Functional analysis of spatial aggregation regions of Jeffrey pine beetle-attack within the Lake Tahoe Basin. Statistics & Probability Letters, 144, pp.57-62.

MediterraneanOak Borer

Xyleborus monographus

Status: Invasive

Hosts (in California): Primarily Valley Oak and less common on Blue Oak

Biology: Mediterranean oak borer (MOB) is an ambrosia beetle native to the Mediterranean region (Europe, Middle East and North Africa) where it primarily attacks oak species. As with all ambrosia beetles, MOB carry many fungi needed as a food source. The fungi that MOB carries are:Raffaelea montetyi, Fusarium solani, Paecilomyces formosus,andXenoacremonium recifei. Research is ongoing to determine if these fungi are tree diseases, thoughRaffalea montetyihas been shown to cause fatal wilt disease in cork oak.

Female beetles are light brown and 3mm long. Male beetles are smaller and rarely found outside the galleries and have reduced wings and can not fly. Similar to the ISHB, Mediterranean oak borer sibling mate and females leave the gallery mated and ready to initiate a new gallery. Additionally, unmated females can lay unfertilized eggs that develop into males, and the female can then mate with to produce fertilized eggs.

Beetles require 5-8 weeks to develop from egg to adult and have two or more generations per year. In California mated females overwinter in the gallery system and emerge in February - May when temperatures approach are > 80°F.

Damage: MOB attack live trees with multiple overlapping generations. Initial attacks are in the uppermost limbs about 8" in diameter and infestation proceeds down the branch and proceeds downward and tends to kill branches on one side. When MOB reaches the trunk they will girdle the tree and the tree fully wilts. From attack to full wilt in large trees appears to require at least 3 years. Attacks usually do not attack the heart wood.

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Mediterranean oak borer Maja Jurc, University of Ljubljana,

Mediterranean oak borer

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Mediterranean oak borer Maja Jurc, University of Ljubljana,

Mediterranean oak borer


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Recommended Literature

  • Gerbhardt, H., D. Begerow and F. Oberwinkler. 2004. Idenfication of the ambrosia fungus ofXyleborus monographus and X. dryographus(Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae). Mycological Progress 3(2):95-102.

  • Catry, F. M. Branco, E. Sousa, KJ. Caetano and P. Naves. 2017. Presence and dynamics of ambrosia beetles and other xylophagous insects in a Mediterranean cork oak forest following fire. Forest Ecology and Management 404: 45-54.


Dendroctonus ponderosae

Status: Native

Hosts (in California): All pines, very rare in Jeffrey pine

Management: Products utilizing synthetically produced verbenone, an anti-aggregation pheromone produced by mountain pine beetle, can often be effective in protecting individual or small numbers of trees from mountain pine beetle attack and colonization. Additionally, the bole spray insecticide carbaryl is typically effective in protecting trees from mountain pine beetle. As with most bark beetles, maintaining healthy, well-spaced, vigorous stands increases tree defense (resin flow). Non-pine species present in stands is also beneficial since mountain pine beetle are highly unlikely to attack, colonize, or reproduce in non-pines. A forest health professional should be consulted for site and time specific control measures.

Highlights: Mountain pine beetle is the most impactful forest insect in western North America. It has impacted greater than 27 million hectares since 2000. The projected losses from mountain pine beetle is ~65.8 million m2 of basal area between 2013 and 2027. Since 2000, mountain pine beetle has been responsible for roughly half of the area impacted by bark beetles in the western U.S. As such, mountain pine beetle is the most researched and targeted (by management activities) species in western North America. Mountain pine beetle’s primary host is lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), however, unlike many bark beetles, it also will attack and colonize a wide variety of pine species. Mountain pine beetle has “J”-shaped galleries. Mountain pine beetle typically initiates attack in the lower 15 feet of the tree bole, although crowns can be attacked upon occasion.

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Mountain pine beetle. Javier E. Mercado, USDA Forest Service,

Mountain pine beetle

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Mountain pine beetle galleries. Ronald F. Billings, Texas A&M Forest Service,

Mountain pine beetle engravings

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Bark beetle damage, USDA Forest Service - Region 2 - Rocky Mountain Region , USDA Forest Service, Bu

Bark beetle damage

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Mountain pine beetle. Javier E. Mercado, USDA Forest Service,

Mountain pine beetle


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Recommended Literature

Audley, J.P., Fettig, C.J., Munson, A.S., Runyon, J.B., Mortenson, L.A., Steed, B.E., Gibson, K.E., Jørgensen, C.L., McKelvey, S.R., McMillin, J.D. and Negrón, J.F., 2020. Impacts of mountain pine beetle outbreaks on lodgepole pine forests in the Intermountain West, US, 2004–2019. Forest Ecology and Management, 475, p.118403.

Dudney, J.C., Nesmith, J.C., Cahill, M.C., Cribbs, J.E., Duriscoe, D.M., Das, A.J., Stephenson, N.L. and Battles, J.J., 2020. Compounding effects of white pine blister rust, mountain pine beetle, and fire threaten four white pine species. Ecosphere, 11(10), p.e03263.

Fettig, C.J., Gibson, K.E., Munson, A.S. and Negrón, J.F., 2014. Cultural practices for prevention and mitigation of mountain pine beetle infestations. Forest Science, 60(3), pp.450-463.

Fettig, C. J., Mortenson, L. A., Bulaon, B. M. & Foulk, P. B. Tree mortality following drought in the central and southern Sierra Nevada, California, U.S. Forest Ecology and Management 432, 164–178 (2019).

Fettig, C.J., Steed, B.E., Bulaon, B.M., Mortenson, L.A., Progar, R.A., Bradley, C.A., Munson, A.S. and Mafra-Neto, A. 2017. Efficacy of SPLAT® Verb for Protecting Individual Pinus contorta, Pinus ponderosa, and Pinus lambertiana from mortality attributed to Dendroctonus ponderosae. Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia, 11-20.

Gibson, K., and S. Kegley. 2004. Testing the efficacy of verbenone in reducing mountain pine beetle attacks in second-growth ponderosa pine. FHP Report 04–7. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Missoula, MT.

Preisler, H.K. and R.G. Mitchell. 1993. Colonization patterns of the mountain pine beetle in thinned and unthinned lodgepole pine stands. Forest Science 89(3):528-545.

Seybold, S.J., Bentz, B.J., Fettig, C.J., Lundquist, J.E., Progar, R.A. and Gillette, N.E., 2018. Management of western North American bark beetles with semiochemicals. Annual review of entomology, 63, pp.407-432.

Pine Engraver

Ips pini

Status: Native

Location:Occurs from southern Appalachia north to Maine and Quebec, westward across the northern United States and Canada, into interior of Alaska, throughout the Pacific Coast States and Rocky Mountain region, to northern Mexico.

Hosts:Ponderosa pine, Lodgepole and Jeffrey pine. Serious pest in plantations of jack and red pines in the Midwest. Rare instances may infest pinyon, coulter, limber, sugar, western white southwestern white pines, and probably most other pine species occurring within its range.

Biology: Ips piniadults are 3mm-4.7mm and has four spines at its posterior. Males initiate the attacks and bore through the outer bark into the inner bark and excavate a nuptial chamber. Pheromones released by the male attract typically 2-3 females. After mating, each female constructs a tunnel in the phloem layer that radiate away from the nuptial chamber and frequently form a Y or H pattern. Galleries and egg galleries are free from boring dust and frass. As additional males are attracted to the area, the attractant pheromone promotes an aggregation of beetle or "mass attack". Females lay eggs along the sides of the gallery and after approximately 2 months new adults emerge. Ips pinicommonly have 2-3 generations per year, iwith as many as 5 may occur in southern California. As beetles become active they infest fresh slash or damage or stress trees.

Damage:In most years,Ips pini,is not an aggressive tree killer and when populations are low, the beetle may kill or top-kill widely scattered single trees or small groups. In outbreak years they may kill groups of 50 to more than 500 trees, especially in unthinned young stands. Sapling and pole-sized trees with a dbh of 5-8 are commonly attacked. Larger trees are often top-killed.

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Pine engraver, Ron Long, Simon Fraser University,

Pine engraver

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Pine engraver damage, Texas A&M Forest Service ,

Pine engraver damage

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Pine engraver, Ron Long, Simon Fraser University,

Pine engraver


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Euwallacea sp.

Red Turpentine Beetle

Dendroctonus valens

Status: Native

Hosts (in California): All pines including introduced species. Occasionally attacks other conifers.

Management: Typically, red turpentine beetle attacks are an indication of deteriorating tree health, from wounding, disease, fire damage, or attack by another bark beetle species. As such, attending to these other issues as best as possible is usually recommended rather than managing for red turpentine beetle specifically. Chipped or cut pine pieces can also often lead to attacks on adjacent live trees. In general, larger, healthy trees will survive attack from red turpentine beetle, while smaller—and in particular drought stressed—trees may experience mortality. Though uncommon, occasionally red turpentine beetle will attack, colonize, and kill large seemingly healthy trees, especially during periods of drought. The bole spray insecticide carbaryl and pyrethroids such as permethrin or bifenthrin are typically effective in preventing attacks from red turpentine beetle. Semiochemical-based anti-aggregation products, like those used to protect other pine species from bark beetles, haven’t been developed specifically for red turpentine beetle. As with most bark beetles, maintaining healthy, well-spaced, vigorous stands increases tree defense (resin flow). Diversity in tree species present in stands is also typically beneficial since western pine beetle seldom attacks non-hosts. A forest health professional should be consulted for site and time specific control measures.

Highlights: Red turpentine beetle is the largest bark beetle in North America and is a visually pleasing red-brown color. Males often make an audible chirp when handled. Red turpentine attacks the lower bole and galleries can extend below the root collar. Red turpentine beetle is typically viewed as an opportunist, yet it’s contribution to tree decline and mortality is poorly understood. However, in China, where red turpentine beetle has been introduced, it has caused substantial mortality of native pines, particularly Chinese red pine, (Pinus tabuliformis). It is thought the more lethal nature of red turpentine beetle in China may be in part due to fungal associates isolated from it in China that haven’t been found in North America. As such, there is concern about red turpentine beetle from China—with non-North American fungal associates—coming back to North America and being considerably more lethal than red turpentine beetle currently found in North America.

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Red turpentine beetle. Steven Valley, Oregon Department of Agriculture,

Red turpentine beetle

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Resinous granular boring “dust” at the base of burnt tree. Donald Owen, California Department of For

Resinous granular boring “dust” at the base of burnt tree

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Red turpentine beetle, USDA Forest Service - Northeastern Area , USDA Forest Service,

Red turpentine beetle damage

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Red turpentine beetle. Steven Valley, Oregon Department of Agriculture,

Red turpentine beetle


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Recommended Literature

Fettig, C.J., McMillin, J.D., Anhold, J.A., Hamud, S.M., Borys, R.R., Dabney, C.P. and Seybold, S.J., 2006. The effects of mechanical fuel reduction treatments on the activity of bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) infesting ponderosa pine. Forest Ecology and Management, 230(1-3), pp.55-68.

Kelsey, R.G. and Westlind, D.J., 2020. Red turpentine beetle primary attraction to (–)-β-pinene+ ethanol in US Pacific Northwest ponderosa pine forests. PloS one, 15(7), p.e0236276.

Owen, D.R., Wood, D.L. and Parmeter Jr, J.R., 2005. Association between Dendroctonus valens and black stain root disease on ponderosa pine in the Sierra Nevada of California. Canadian entomologist, 137(3), p.367.

Seybold, S.J., Bentz, B.J., Fettig, C.J., Lundquist, J.E., Progar, R.A. and Gillette, N.E., 2018. Management of western North American bark beetles with semiochemicals. Annual review of entomology, 63, pp.407-432.

Westlind, D.J. and Kelsey, R.G., 2019. Predicting post-fire attack of red turpentine or western pine beetle on ponderosa pine and its impact on mortality probability in Pacific Northwest forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 434, pp.181-192.

Westlind, D.J. and Kerns, B.K., 2021. Repeated fall prescribed fire in previously thinned Pinus ponderosa increases growth and resistance to other disturbances. Forest Ecology and Management, 480, p.118645.

Yan, Z., Sun, J., Don, O. and Zhang, Z., 2005. The red turpentine beetle, Dendroctonus valens LeConte (Scolytidae): an exotic invasive pest of pine in China. Biodiversity & Conservation, 14(7), pp.1735-1760.

Western Oak Bark Beetle

Pseudopityophthorus pubipennis

Status: Native

Location:Reported throughout California and occurs north to southern British Columbia in the coastal zone.

Hosts:Various oaks, include coast live, California black, and Oregon white oak, but also has been reported on tanoak, chestnut and California buckeye.

Biology: Adults bore through the bark to the sapwood. Two tunnels are excavated in the inner bark perpendicular to the wood grain. Eggs are laid along these tunnels and newly emerged larvae begin tunneling in the inner bark with the grain of the wood. Depending on location, there maybe two or more generations per year and generations overlap, so adult beetles are always present during the growing season.

Damage: Western oak bark beetles colonize parts of the tree that are stressed, dying or dead, and they also may colonize freshly cut oak firewood. The larvae feed on the phloem and outer xylem tissues. Although they do not feed on fungi, western oak bark beetle can spread plant pathogens, such asGeosmithia pallidafungus that causes foamy bark canker on coast live oaks.

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WOBB-BugGuide (2)

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (50)

WOBB-BugGuide (1)

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (51)

LakeArrowhead Tree (3)-WOBB

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WOBB-BugGuide (2)


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Western Pine Beetle

Dendroctonus brevicomis

Status: Native

Hosts (in California): Ponderosa pine, Coulter pine


The bole spray insecticide carbaryl is typically effective in protecting trees from western pine beetle. Western pine beetle does often exhibit a response to verbenone, an antiaggregant of mountain pine beetle which has been successfully used in semiochemical-based products to protect pine species from mountain pine beetle. However, verbenone alone hasn’t been effective in protecting trees from western pine beetle at levels deemed satisfactory. Research and development are ongoing on this topic. As with most bark beetles, maintaining healthy, well-spaced, vigorous stands increases tree defense (resin flow). Diversity in tree species present in stands is also typically beneficial since western pine beetle won’t attack, colonize, or reproduce in non-hosts. A forest health professional should be consulted for site and time specific control measures.


Western pine beetle was the most prominent mortality-causing bark beetle in the 2014-16 drought-driven, severe tree mortality event in the central and southern Sierra Nevada. Western pine beetle has very distinct sinuous, crisscrossing galleries. Ponderosa pine trees with significant outer bark removed by woodpeckers typically offers evidence of western pine beetle colonization, as unlike other bark beetle species, western pine beetle complete their development in the outer bark.

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Western pine beetle. Erich G. Vallery, USDA Forest Service – SRS-4552,

A western pine beetle up close

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Western pine beetle.

Western pine beetle.

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Western Pine Beetle Damage. Mark McGregor, USDA Forest Service,

Western Pine Beetle Damage. Mark McGregor, USDA Forest Service,

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles | California Forest Pest Council (56)

Western pine beetle. Erich G. Vallery, USDA Forest Service – SRS-4552,

A western pine beetle up close


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Recommended Literature

Fettig, C.J., 2019. Socioecological impacts of the western pine beetle outbreak in southern California: lessons for the future. Journal of Forestry, 117(2), pp.138-143.

Fettig, C.J. and McKelvey, S.R., 2014. Resiliency of an interior ponderosa pine forest to bark beetle infestations following fuel-reduction and forest-restoration treatments. Forests, 5(1), pp.153-176.

Fettig, C. J., Mortenson, L. A., Bulaon, B. M. & Foulk, P. B. Tree mortality following drought in the central and southern Sierra Nevada, California, U.S. Forest Ecology and Management 432, 164–178 (2019).

Koontz, M.J., Latimer, A.M., Mortenson, L.A., Fettig, C.J. and North, M.P., 2021. Cross-scale interaction of host tree size and climatic water deficit governs bark beetle-induced tree mortality. Nature communications, 12(1), pp.1-13.

Miller, J. M. and F. P. Keen. 1960. Biology and control of the western pine beetle. U.S. Department of Agriculture Misc. Publ. 800, Washington, DC. 381 p.

Restaino, C., Young, D.J., Estes, B., Gross, S., Wuenschel, A., Meyer, M. and Safford, H., 2019. Forest structure and climate mediate drought‐induced tree mortality in forests of the Sierra Nevada, USA. Ecological Applications, 29(4), p.e01902.

Seybold, S.J., Bentz, B.J., Fettig, C.J., Lundquist, J.E., Progar, R.A. and Gillette, N.E., 2018. Management of western North American bark beetles with semiochemicals. Annual review of entomology, 63, pp.407-432.

Stark, D.T., Wood, D.L., Storer, A.J. and Stephens, S.L., 2013. Prescribed fire and mechanical thinning effects on bark beetle caused tree mortality in a mid-elevation Sierran mixed-conifer forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 306, pp.61-67.

Wood Boring Beetle

Dendroctonus brevicomis

Three groups of wood-boring beetles powderpost, deathwatch, and false powderpost invade and damage wood furniture as well as structural and decorative wood inside of buildings.


Impact Significance: Wood-boring beetles invade and damage wood furniture as well as structural and decorative wood inside of buildings. Adults of some species also bore exit holes through plaster, plastic, and even soft metals that might cover the underlying wood.

Hosts:Adult powderpost beetles most often select and lay eggs in wood such as oak, ash, hickory, mahogany, and walnut, and infestations are most likely to occur in wood paneling, molding, flooring, window and door frames, plywood, bamboo articles, and furniture. Deathwatch beetles primarily infest softwoods, especially Douglas-fir, which is used in girders, beams, foundation timbers, and some types of furniture. False powderpost beetles colonize a variety of hardwoods and sometimes softwoods

Biology:Wood-boring beetles in the Anobiidae, Bostrichidae beetle families.

Damage:Structural damage to wood structures.

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Wood Boring Beetle

Wood Boring Beetle

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Wood Boring Beetle. Joseph Berger,

Wood boring beetle

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Wood Boring Beetle

Wood Boring Beetle


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  • Insects and Diseases of Mediterranean Forests

  • Wood Boring Beetles in Homes

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