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Lightyear - Watch Exclusive Movies online (9)

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While spending years attempting to return home, marooned Space Ranger Buzz Lightyear encounters an army of ruthless robots commanded by Zurg who are attempting to steal his fuel source.

Actors: Uzo Aduba, Uzo Aduba 10 February 1981, Boston, Massachusetts, USA Isiah Whitlock Jr., Isiah Whitlock Jr. 13 September 1954, South Bend, Indiana, USA Peter Sohn, Peter Sohn Bill Hader, Bill Hader 7 June 1978, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA Dale Soules, Dale Soules 2 October 1946, New Jersey, USA Keke Palmer, Keke Palmer 26 August 1993, Harvey, Illinois, USA James Brolin, James Brolin 18 July 1940, Los Angeles, California, USA Keira Hairston, Keira Hairston Taika Waititi, Taika Waititi 16 August 1975, New Zealand Mary McDonald-Lewis, Mary McDonald-Lewis 24 September 1953, Stockton, California, USA Efren Ramirez, Efren Ramirez 2 October 1973, Los Angeles, California, USA ...»

Genre: Action,Adventure,Animation

Director: Angus MacLane

Country: United States, Japan

Release: 2022

IMDb: 6.1


Duration: 100 min

Keywords: # #2022 #Angus MacLane #Angus MacLane #Jason Headley #Lightyear #Matthew Aldrich

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Lightyear - Watch Exclusive Movies online (34)

ACTORS OF "Lightyear"

Uzo Aduba 10 February 1981, Boston, Massachusetts, USA Isiah Whitlock Jr. 13 September 1954, South Bend, Indiana, USA Peter Sohn Bill Hader 7 June 1978, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA Dale Soules 2 October 1946, New Jersey, USA Keke Palmer 26 August 1993, Harvey, Illinois, USA James Brolin 18 July 1940, Los Angeles, California, USA Keira Hairston Taika Waititi 16 August 1975, New Zealand Mary McDonald-Lewis 24 September 1953, Stockton, California, USA Efren Ramirez 2 October 1973, Los Angeles, California, USA Chris Evans 13 June 1981, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

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GALLERY OF "Lightyear"

Lightyear - Watch Exclusive Movies online (2024)


Who is the old lady in the movie Lightyear? ›

Dale Soules as Darby Steel, an elderly woman and recruit for the colonial defense forces who is currently on parole for shipjacking. James Brolin as Buzz Lightyear / Zurg, the commander of the invading robotic army who is later revealed to be an elderly, nihilistic version of himself from an alternate timeline.

Will Lightyear be good? ›

The film offers a good balance between emotion and comedy, although at times the development of the action is hindered by the constant difficulties on Buzz. Despite this, Lightyear is a very entertaining proposal for both adults and children.

What happens in Lightyear? ›

Synopsis. The definitive origin story of Buzz Lightyear, the hero who inspired the toy, Lightyear follows the legendary Space Ranger after he is marooned on a hostile planet 4.2 million light-years from Earth alongside his commander and their crew.

Is Lightyear a fan-made movie? ›

Lightyear is a 2022 American computer-animated science fiction action-adventure film produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios, and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The film is a spin-off of the Toy Story film series, and the fifth overall installment in the franchise.

Is there a girl kissing scene in Lightyear? ›

The film's producer, Galyn Susman, stated that the female character Hawthorne, voiced by Uzo Aduba, is in a “meaningful” relationship with another woman and a kiss occurs between them.

Is there a lgbtq character in Lightyear? ›

So “when it was suggested to make Alisha a queer character, that was awesome for two reasons,” said MacLane. “One, representation. And two, [Alisha] can live her separate life and you're never feeling like there's jealousy there … it's more about how she lived a life” and Buzz hadn't.

Will there be a Lightyear 2 movie? ›

The sequel to Lightyear (2022) - Announced during D23 Expo 2024 in September 2024. Buzz Lightyear enters a different dimension through a blackhole during a failed mission which is a completely different universe to his.

Why didn't Tim Allen do Lightyear? ›

'Lightyear' director talks intentional decision not to cast Tim Allen. "Lightyear" director Angus MacLane told USA TODAY he didn't want to cast an Allen impressionist or even a "superheroic type" for Buzz but instead someone who had “a commanding presence that also is able to be funny without being goofy.”

Can a 3 year old watch Lightyear? ›

Content that may disturb children

In addition to the violent scenes mentioned above, Lightyear has some scenes that could scare or disturb children under 5 years.

How did Alisha get pregnant in Lightyear? ›

The scene comes during a montage of Space Ranger Alisha Hawthorne (voiced by Uzo Aduba) where she starts a family with her wife. In the montage, the character is seen sharing a kiss with her wife and later becoming pregnant and welcoming a son.

Why didn't Buzz age? ›

Because of time dilation, Toy Buzz is about 0.015 seconds younger than he would have been without the trip into space. Toy Buzz may not have traveled as fast as Movie Buzz, but both got to experience the effects of time dilation.

Why did Buzz become Zurg? ›

It is later revealed that Zurg is actually the 50-year future self of Buzz Lightyear, wishing to time travel back to the past to prevent his crew from ever landing on the planet.

Is Buzz Lightyear a woke movie? ›

"Lightyear" generated controversy not only for the infamous voice swap, but for its woke themes. As Fox News Digital reported last Spring, the film featured a "a same-sex kiss" between two female characters that "occurred in the first 30 minutes of the movie."

How old is Buzz Lightyear? ›

Buzz Lightyear's age is not specified in Toy Story 4. However, as a toy, he is not subject to the aging process like humans. He remains the same age and in the same physical condition throughout the entire series of movies. So, whether Buzz is "old" or "young" is really a matter of perspective.

Is Buzz Lightyear a human or a toy? ›

Characteristics. Buzz Lightyear is a toy given as a birthday present to a boy named Andy. He is a space ranger toy with electronic features, including flashing lights and catchphrases and is based on a character in Andy's favorite film.

Who plays Old Buzz in the Lightyear movie? ›

Chris Evans voiced a version of the character in the 2022 spin-off film Lightyear, an in-universe film exploring his origin story, with James Brolin additionally voicing Zurg, an elderly, nihilistic version of Buzz from an alternate future.

Who is the cowgirl in Buzz Lightyear? ›

Jessie is a rough-and-tumble cowgirl doll with a passion for yodeling.

Is Darby from Lightyear a girl? ›

Darby Steel is a character in the 2022 Disney•Pixar animated film Lightyear. She is a gruff, no-nonsense, and not-exactly-voluntary member of the Junior Zap Patrol. She was doing time in prison until she joined the unit in exchange of having her sentence reduced.


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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.