Ocoee River Rafting - Best White Water Rafting in Tennessee (2024)

Ocoee White Water – Tennessee’s Best Rafting!

Welcome to white water rafting fun on the famous Ocoee River in Tennessee! The Ocoee River is an amazing gem hidden inside the southern Appalachian Mountains and home to some of the best whitewater on this side of the Mason-Dixon line. Stoked with Class III and IV rapids over two different stretches of waterways, the Ocoee River year after year is one of the most popular whitewater rafting rivers in America. The Ocoee is a dam-controlled river – guaranteeing great water levels all season long with crashing waves, exciting rapids, and amazing scenery. So, round up your friends and family and come join us for a memorable trip on the Ocoee River. You don’t want to get left behind.

Classic Middle Ocoee Rafting

Middle Ocoee Rafting Details

  • Cost: $42-$60 pp (Discounts for 10+)
  • BLF: Boat Load of Fun - $37.50-$48 pp for up to 6 people
  • No experience necessary, just your sense of adventure.
  • Trip Length: 5.5 Miles
  • Time on Water: about 2 hours
  • Total Trip Time: 3.5 – 4 Hours
  • Minimum Age: 12 years old
  • Expert, fun guides!

America’s Most Popular Whitewater!

This adventure is located on the world class Ocoee River in the beautiful Cherokee National Forest in southeast Tennessee. During our trek of five and a half miles, we will be dropping over 270 feet and challenging HUGE waves and TIGHT turns which are typically met with monstrous smiles and roaring laughter all while taming America’s Most Popular Whitewater River. After almost two hours of a soaked adrenaline experience, we float into the take-out for our ride back to Adventures Unlimited. Your dry clothes await you as well as the photos from your Ocoee whitewater adventure. No experience is necessary for whitewater rafting on the Ocoee River and it’s perfect for groups of all sizes, but the minimum age is 12 years old.

Full Ocoee River Rafting

Full Ocoee Rafting Details

  • Cost: $120 pp (Discounts for 10+)
  • BLF: Boat Load of Fun - $102 pp for up to 6 people
  • No experience necessary, just your sense of adventure.
  • Trip Length: 10 Miles
  • Time on Water: about 4 hours
  • Total Trip Time: 5.5 - 6 Hours
  • Minimum Age: 12 years old
  • Expert, fun guides!
Ocoee River Rafting - Best White Water Rafting in Tennessee (25)
Ocoee River Rafting - Best White Water Rafting in Tennessee (26)
Ocoee River Rafting - Best White Water Rafting in Tennessee (27)
Ocoee River Rafting - Best White Water Rafting in Tennessee (28)
Ocoee River Rafting - Best White Water Rafting in Tennessee (29)
Ocoee River Rafting - Best White Water Rafting in Tennessee (30)
Ocoee River Rafting - Best White Water Rafting in Tennessee (31)
Ocoee River Rafting - Best White Water Rafting in Tennessee (32)

America’s Olympic River – Go Big or Go Home!

The world came here during the 1996 Olympics to see what it’s all about – The Ocoee River and its 10 miles of world-class whitewater! Our Full River Adventure starts five miles upstream of the Classic Middle Ocoee Adventure just below the remote TVA Ocoee Dam #3. The Mighty Ocoee meanders through the beautiful Cherokee National Forest tricking you into a brief feeling of calm as you soak in the amazing scenery. But then reality kicks in and so does the whitewater insanity as Mikey’s Ledge kicks things off (quite literally). Let’s Make a Deal is next so brace in as the ride is about to get exciting. The Olympic course is an unbelievable stretch of Class IV whitewater featuring rapids like Callahan’s Ledge and Humongous. This section will spit us out only to find a few more rapids as we float to our lunch spot. Our riverside picnic gives us the opportunity to relax and refuel before we take on the Classic Middle Ocoee Adventure, “America’s Most Popular Whitewater!”

Ocoee Rafting FAQ

No! There is no experience necessary for rafting the Ocoee River. Each raft is led by a certified guide.

Since no experience is necessary, almost everyone can raft. Every raft is accompanied by a certified guide who conducts a safety orientation prior to the trip. All participants are expected to participate/paddle in the rafting adventure. The State of Tennessee requires all rafting guests on the Ocoee to be twelve years of age and older.

No. However, each guest must be in good health, have a chest size no larger than 56 inches to fit into the Type V PFD and be able to actively participate in the sport of whitewater rafting. If you have concerns, please have a discussion with your physician prior to your trip.

Everyone must sign a liability waiver before they can go rafting with Adventures Unlimited. Our waivers are digital and all group leaders are sent a link to your digital waiver. Check with them about a link to your waiver prior to arrival at AU.

Shoes are HIGHLY recommended while rafting on the Ocoee River. You will walk on gravel at several locations along the river and shoes also make it easier to brace in the boat. Old tennis shoes, aqua socks, fancy sport sandals are all good options as they are secure on your feet. Flip flops should stay in the car for the ride home.

Everything you wear on your rafting trip WILL GET WET so plan accordingly. In the summertime, rafting gear should consist of a swimsuit, shorts, maybe a t-shirt, and some SUNSCREEN. When the weather is cooler, plan on bringing some extra gear. Think synthetic materials like nylon, lycra, and polyester pants/leggings, pullovers, and maybe some wool socks when you are packing your bag. Leave the cotton hoodies in the car for after the trip.

Everyone parks their car at Adventures Unlimited and checks in for the trip. Once we call the trip, do an orientation, and grab our gear, we all load up on a bus and travel up to the Ocoee to start our adventure.

We travel 17 miles East on Highway 64 to the put-in for the Classic Middle Trip and an additional 4 miles if we are heading to the put-in for the Upper Ocoee River.

No. While there is parking at the put-in for the Classic Middle Trip, there is no way to get you back up to your car after the trip. There is no parking at the take-out for the Classic Middle Trip. There is no parking at the put-in for the Upper Ocoee Trip either.

No, this just ends up being litter in the river.

Please plan on arriving at Adventures Unlimited 15-30 minutes prior to your trip time. This allows plenty of time for check-in, changing of clothes if necessary, and the last-minute trips to the restroom. And always remember, Adventures Unlimited operates on Eastern Standard Time.

No. No one can swim in the traditional fashion in the Ocoee River. Your raft guide will teach you how to swim on your back with your toes on the surface of the water and pointed downstream. It is similar to sitting in a recliner.

All of our trips go rain or shine.

Gratuities are appreciated but not expected.

Maybe. We cannot guarantee that you won’t fall out of the boat but if you listen to your safety speech and learn how to brace in the boat correctly, the odds of staying in the boat greatly increase.

Ocoee River Rafting - Best White Water Rafting in Tennessee (2024)


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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.