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La pli granda malferma biblioteko de la homara historio ⭐️Ni havas kopion de Sci-Hub and LibGen. Ni skrapas kaj malfermfonte Z-Lib, DuXiu, kaj pli. 📈31603758libroj, 99900496paperoj— konservita por ĉiam. All our code and data are completely open source. Learn more…
La pli granda malferma biblioteko de la homara historio ⭐️Ni havas kopion de Sci-Hub and LibGen. Ni skrapas kaj malfermfonte Z-Lib, DuXiu, kaj pli. 📈31603758libroj, 99900496paperoj— konservita por ĉiam. Learn more…
La pli granda malferma biblioteko de la homara historio ⭐️Ni havas kopion de Sci-Hub and LibGen. Ni skrapas kaj malfermfonte Z-Lib, DuXiu, kaj pli. Learn more…
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angla [en], .epub, 🚀/lgli/lgrs/zlib, 3.2MB, 📘 Book (non-fiction), 5ee7908a9cad46b3fa5cec86378e328b
The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Life and Our World 🔍
Conari Press, 10 Revised, 2010
John Robbins, Dean Ornish M.D. 🔍
“In 1987, John Robbins published Diet for a New America , which was an early version of this book, and he started the food revolution. He continues to work tirelessly to promote conscious food choices more than 20 years later.
First published in 2001, The Food Revolution is still one of the most frequently cited and talked about books of the food-politics revolution. It was one of the very first books to discuss the negative health effects of eating genetically modified foods and animal products of all kinds, to expose the dangers inherent in our factory farming system, and to advocate a complete plant-based diet.
The book garnered endorsements by everyone from Paul Hawken to Neal Donald Walsch, Marianne Williamson to Julia Butterfly Hill. After ten years in print, The Food Revolution is timelier than ever--and a very compelling read. The 10th anniversary edition has an updated, new contemporary look and a new introduction by the author.”
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“Includes bibliographical references (p. 397-442) and index.
date open sourced
2013-12-15 (ol_source: 2011-11-04, isbndb_scrape: 2022-09-01, lgli_source: 2013-12-15, zlib_source: 2019-04-08, lgrsnf_source: 2013-12-15)
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ISBN-13978-1-57324-487-9 ISBN-101-57324-487-2 OCLC/WorldCat653086464 Open LibraryOL25087946M Open LibraryOL16240772W Internet Archivefoodrevolutionho0000robb_v6j5 Non-Fiction1102911 MD55ee7908a9cad46b3fa5cec86378e328b Z-Library2271861 File92158227 libgen_id1102911 LCCN2011293538 LCCTX371.R63 2010 LCCTX371 .R63 2011
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