Iron Twins Fortress Guide (2024)

Iron Twins Fortress Guide (1)

Published On: September 6, 2022

Iron Twins Fortress Guide (2)

Iron Twins Fortress

Iron Twins Fortress Guide (3)

The Iron Twins in Raid Shadow Legends is a single boss encounter found in the Iron Twins Fortress. The fortress is a daily reset dungeon that changes affinity each day. You’ll face a challenging encounter that will ramp up in difficulty if you are not swift to defeat the metal monstrosity. Having a good strategy is therefore crucial so let’s break down the boss mechanics.

Iron Twins Fortress Guide (4)

Ability Breakdown

Iron Twins Fortress Guide (5)

Voltaic Pendulums
Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 30% [Decrease C. RATE] debuff for 4 turns. Also places a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 4 turns if the target is already under a [Decrease C. RATE] debuff. After attacking the initial target, attacks all other enemies. Places a 50% [Decrease ATK] debuff for 4 turns. Also places a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 4 turns on enemies under [Decrease ATK] debuffs. Will ignore [Unkillable] buffs whenever the Iron Twins’ HP is equal to or less than 40%.

Fires of Insanity – 3 Turn Cooldown
Attacks all enemies. Places or extends [Ironbrand] debuffs on all enemies. The duration of each [Ironbrand] debuff given depends on each enemy’s DEF. The enemy with the highest DEF will receive 10 turns of [Ironbrand]. The enemy with the next highest DEF will receive 9 turns of [Ironbrand], while the enemy with the next highest DEF will receive 8 turns of [Ironbrand], and so on. If an enemy already has a [Ironbrand] debuff, the duration of their current [Ironbrand] debuff will be extended by this number of turns.
[Ironbrand] debuffs cannot be blocked or removed.
[Growth Effect] Every time this skill is used, the Iron Twins’ DEF will be increased by 2.5%, plus an additional 1% for every enemy whose Affinity does not match the Iron Twins’.
The Iron Twins will not use this skill when their HP is below 40%.

Ruinous Swath
Attacks all enemies. Places or extends [Ironbrand] debuffs on all enemies. The duration of each [Ironbrand] debuff given depends on each enemy’s ATK. The enemy with the highest ATK will receive 10 turns of [Ironbrand]. The enemy with the next highest ATK will receive 9 turns of [Ironbrand], while the enemy with the next highest ATK will receive 8 turns of [Ironbrand], and so on. If an enemy already has a [Ironbrand] debuff, the duration of their current [Ironbrand] debuff will be extended by this number of turns.
[Ironbrand] debuffs cannot be blocked or removed.
[Growth Effect] Every time this skill is used, the Iron Twins’ ATK will be increased by 2.5%, plus an additional 1% for every enemy whose Affinity does not match the Iron Twins’.
The Iron Twins will not use this skill when their HP is below 40%.

Doomsday Machine [Passive]
Attacks all enemies 2 times. Each hit places or extends a [Ironbrand] debuff. The first hit places a [Ironbrand] debuff whose duration depends on each enemy’s DEF. The enemy with the highest DEF will receive 5 turns of [Ironbrand]. The enemy with the next highest DEF will receive 4 turns of [Ironbrand], while the enemy with the next highest DEF will receive 3 turns of [Ironbrand], and so on. If an enemy already has a [Ironbrand] debuff, the duration of their current [Ironbrand] debuff will be extended by this number of turns.
The second hit does the same, but the duration of the [Ironbrand] debuffs placed depends on each enemy’s ATK instead. After the first two hits, attacks all enemies again. The damage inflicted to each enemy increases according to the number of turns remaining on each enemy’s [Ironbrand] debuffs. This hit will ignore 30% of each target’s DEF.
[Growth Effect] Every time this skill is used, the Iron Twins’ ATK and DEF will be increased by 4%, plus an additional 1% for every enemy whose Affinity does not match the Iron Twins’.
The Iron Twins will only use this skill when their HP is below 40%.

Retaliatory Launch [Passive]
Whenever the Iron Twins’ HP drops below 85%, 70%, 55%, and 40%, instantly attacks all enemies, then removes all debuffs from the Iron Twins.
Fills the Iron Twins’ Turn Meter by 10% whenever an enemy receives a buff. Will not fill their Turn Meter if the Iron Twins are under [Decrease SPD] debuffs.
The Iron Twins receive 50% less damage from each subsequent hit from multi-hit skills. The damage reduction increases with every additional hit. The Iron Twins are immune to Turn Meter reduction effects.

Almighty Immunity [Passive]
Immune to [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Provoke], [Block Cooldown Skills], [Fear] and [True Fear] debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange effects, HP balancing effects, and cooldown increasing effects.

Almighty Strength [Passive]
Damage from skills that scale based on enemy MAX HP cannot exceed 10% of the boss’ MAX HP when attacking the boss. Poison Effects are 90% less effective.

Iron Twins Fortress Guide (6)

How to beat the boss!

Iron Twins Fortress Guide (7)

As you can imagine the Iron Twins as a combination of the Celestial Griffin‘s mechanic where he gets stronger as the fight goes on and the Ice Golem boss who can retaliate with major damage if he passes certain threshold. This basically means you cant take forever to kill the boss, nor can you burst it aggressively. The boss has a cap of 10% for any incoming enemy max hp damage so you’ll not be able to 1 shot it!

The good news is that the Ironbrand debuff can be resisted although the boss stats are quite high so we will need to bring a Decrease Accuracy Debuff. You’ll also want to bring a Decrease Speed debuff otherwise the Twins will gain 10% Turn Meter for every buff you place. Remember: we do not want the boss to be taking many turns or his damage will ramp up. Dealing damage will need to be balanced between:

  1. HP Burn = It is capped at 50k but likely a good source of damage
  2. Poisons = Whilst it is reduced by 90% it is still good stable damage output and may bypass the boss passive
  3. Enemy Max HP = timed well this can help speed up the fight but be careful about causing the passive HP thresholds to drop loads of damage on you. The boss will also clear all debuffs so you could lose your essential debuffs like Decrease Accuracy.

You will also want to bring core debuffs such as Decrease Attack, Decrease Defence and Weaken although the latter 2 are less important the more you rely on HP Burns and Poisons.

The final point to take into consideration is Affinity. The boss starts with considerable base stats (around 26k Atk/Def at Stage 15) so you do not want to allow this to be grown too far through the growth effects on the boss skills. For every mismatched affinity you increase the boss damage quite considerably. Try to build a team of matching affinity.

Main things to Avoid:

  1. Multi-hitters like Cruetraxa – The boss will reduce the damage quite significantly.
  2. Low Resist or Low defence teams – Glass Cannon is not the way to go
  3. Loads of Enemy Max HP Nukers – You don’t want the Boss to hit you each time on the passive.
  4. Mismatched Affinity to the Boss – This will increase the damage output and potentially lead to your team failing.

Beating the Iron Twins can be done in a few ways and we have examples of team compositions below! First let’s cover the minimum stats you should aim to hit.

Iron Twins Fortress Guide (8)

Required Stat Breakpoints

Iron Twins Fortress Guide (9)

For a full stat breakdown, use our handy Raid Stages Tool which displays enemy stats for every encounter in the game. If you are not already a member of the HellHades community, you can sign up for a Free Account to gain access to this tool. Below we will outline the minimum stats you should aim for:

The key stats you should consider are Accuracy, Resistance and Speed on your team alongside good HP/Def to survive the damage.

Iron Twins Stages

There are 15 stages to complete and you ideally want to be farming the highest stage you can farm. To be successful, aim for:


  1. Stages 1-6: 150+ Speed to go before the Iron Twins
  2. Stages 7-12: 220+ Speed to go before the Iron Twins
  3. Stages 13-15: 250+ Speed to go before the Iron Twins


  1. Stages 1-6: 155+ (104 if you bring Increase Accuracy)
  2. Stages 7-12: 280+ (187 if you bring Increase Accuracy)
  3. Stages 13-15: 555+ (370 if you bring Increase Accuracy)


  1. Stages 1-6: 230+ (115 if you bring Decrease Accuracy)
  2. Stages 7-12: 355+ (180 if you bring Decrease Accuracy)
  3. Stages 13-15: 705+ (350 if you bring Decrease Accuracy)

Depending on which strategy you choose, you should ensure you have enough HP and Defence to survive this encounter. Generally we advise at least:

  1. Stages 1-6: 25k HP and 2400 Defence
  2. Stages 7-12: 40k HP and 2800 Defence
  3. Stages 13-15: 50k HP and 3500 Defence

Iron Twins Fortress Guide (10)

Team Compositions

Iron Twins Fortress Guide (11)

Strategy 1: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Iron Twins Fortress Guide (12)

You will take this fight steady, ensuring you start and maintain Decrease Accuracy debuff. Your primary source of damage will be Poisons and HP Burn. Champions who can activate these effects are desirable. In addition, you will bring a reliable Decrease Speed champion. All your champions will require the relevant resistance and this should result in you not requiring a Block Debuffs or Cleanse Champion.

MVP’s for this Strategy

Taya/Lady Kimi/Tatura/Geomancer: These champions are the best in their respective affinities to apply Decrease Accuracy (but not the only choice!)
Psylar/Lady Kimi/Teodor/Fenshi: These champions are the best in their respective affinity to apply Decrease Speed (but not the only choice!)
Taya/Dark Kael/Teodor/Fenshi: These champions are the best in their respective affinity to apply or Activate Poisons (but not the only choice!)

Champion Alternatives

There are many champions that can fill these roles. Check out our top 10 for each role:

  1. The Best Decrease Accuracy Champions
  2. The Best Decrease Speed Champions
  3. The Best Poison/HP Burn Champions

Strategy 2: Block the Damage!

Iron Twins Fortress Guide (13)

Whilst unkillable is slightly awkward to make possible (due to the change in Patch 6.1), Block Damage is still a strong viable full auto option. In this team, Helicath and Warcaster are able to sustain block damage for the whole team. It is a speed tune so you’ll need to follow speeds and the right setup. You will also want to sustain the Decrease SPD debuff as much as possible. Kurzad is ideal as he can 100% place on his A1 so long as he critical hits. Aox is then there to ensure the Geomancer burn is extended (Geomancer passive DOES NOT activate the Iron Twins passive that cleanses debuffs). Check out this video for full details on this team.

MVP’s for this Strategy

Helicath & Warcaster: Essential to enable the 100% block damage

Geomancer: The best way to deal damage to the boss reliably.

Champion Alternatives

Helicath can be substituted for Roschard the Tower and meanwhile Warcaster can be subbed out for a Demytha.

Aox can be replaced by Bulwark, Narma, Vizier Ovelis but be mindful not to bring too much damage to avoid activating the passive.

If you do not have a Geomancer this does become far less reliable but a ninja with his A2 can work although it is likely to proc his passive causing the speeds to potentially fail

Important:Be sure to recheck speeds if you swap champions.

Strategy 3: Geomancer go buuuuuuurn

Iron Twins Fortress Guide (14)

You will want to ensure Geomancer can place his HP burn then try to prioritise surviving. You want speed on your buffers (250-300) ideally to push buffs on your team that will also push the boss Turn Meter. It’s a dangerous strategy that will require you to get the right balance of speed, buffs and HP/DEF stats but if done well you can quickly burn through the boss using Geomancer’s awesome kit. Remember don’t bring another HP burn champion and if you do ensure they do not have accuracy!

MVP’s for this Strategy

Geomancer: You will utilise Geomancer’s reflect passive alongside his HP burn to quickly burst the boss down.
Champions who provide buffs:You want the boss to take more turns to speed up your run, so you will use champions ideally with healing and revive that bring multiple buffs (You want to avoid those with Decrease Speed).

Champion Alternatives

There is no alternative to Geomancer but you can use any number of buff champions:

duch*ess Lilitu, Siphi the Lost Bride, Mithrala Lifebane, Arbiter, Underpriest Brogni, Ursala the Mourner are all viable options.

Iron Twins Fortress Guide (15)


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Iron Twins Fortress Guide (17)


1 year ago

As of patch 6.10 the Paragon cheese no longer works. He gets whacked when the boss hits 40% HP remaining. Dang, now I gotta build me a real team….LOLOL Plarium did say they would “fix” this cheese, and they apparently did with the 6.1 buff on IT. Question, are other unkill approaches broke now too??



Iron Twins Fortress Guide (18)


1 year ago

I wondered how long it would take them to put a cheat in to stop players defeating the iron twins using Paragon. As it takes the best part of 30 minutes to defeat them using Paragon, if I had better champions (which I’m not likely to get being a pensioner, so have limited income, they seem biased against low income players, don’t they make enough profit already???????)



Iron Twins Fortress Guide (19)


1 year ago

What damage avoids Retaliatory Launch?
I’m assuming that burn, poison, bombs, explode, warmaster, giant slayer, brimstone, phantom touch, bone armor, and reflect damage are all safe to use and will bypass/not trigger Iron Twins’ Retailiatiry Launch. Can anyone confirm?



Iron Twins Fortress Guide (20)


1 year ago

Ok, so HH recommends for Iron Tower stage 13-15:
250+ speed, 555+ acc, 350+ res is you bring decrease ACC, 50K HP and 3500 def.
I mean who has gear like that?? after playing since first year, actively, I sure don’t !
not even if i grab from all my best champs. What am I missing????



Iron Twins Fortress Guide (21)


1 year ago

Reply toFireliz

,fiefly- being a content creator or mega whale who buys gear packs & chaos ore apparently. How many normal regular players not in those two categories have clamored for new/harder content? To have such a small group control the direction of this game…



Iron Twins Fortress Guide (22)


1 year ago

Reply toFireliz

Is your GREAT HALL maxed out…Is your gear all 6-Star level 16 with substats all % and max glyphs.
you gotta be lucky to get the best gear, rich with coin to upgrade it. THIS IS A MEGA MARATHON especially if you’re f.t.p..



Iron Twins Fortress Guide (23)


1 year ago

Reply toFireliz

This IS high end content, so you have to expect to need decent stats, but you don’t really need anything near what you quoted there depending on the strategy you use. Key is having Geomancer. You can do it without him but so much easier with him. Next having one or preferably two Vogoth’s really helps. My team uses Geo, 2 Vogoth’s, Mithrala, and Godseeker. I use the exact same team against all affinities and it takes about 2.5 mins to run with 100% success. No crazy stats and three epics. One force , two spirit, two void against all affinities so ignoring the extra damage. I have 508 acc on Geo to make sure he lands his burn, and decent 244 speed, but Vogoths can be slow and just need lots of HP and regen or three immortal sets. Mith you load accuracy on which gives her Res too. I use the same builds for these guys in other content.


Iron Twins Fortress Guide (24)

Nikolai Crumb

1 year ago

Reply toMadMichael

While I have yet to beat 7, this is high end content so I don’t mind. What I do is use torgori as lead (only 50) and bright with comingi g blessing to buff the res aura and that helps a lot, the only defense to ironvrand is res and the aura remains even after tor falls

Soon though the rest of my team falls save vogoth and Vergis who get him to like 40% still trying to find somthing g to finish the fight as even 60 tomb lord and 50 goancer aren’t enough but still that’s 6 levels


Iron Twins Fortress Guide (25)


1 year ago

What are some of the best blessings to use on champions against the Iron Twins? Particularly Geomancer. Cruelty, Iron Will, Commanding Presence?



Iron Twins Fortress Guide (26)


1 year ago

After 2 years I don’t have about any of these champs let alone the gear



Iron Twins Fortress Guide (27)

Aleksandra Jeschke

1 year ago

sucks when you don’t have disposable income



Iron Twins Fortress Guide (28)

christopher owens

1 year ago

this is one thing that aggravates me so much about this game. To do certain content you need certain champions but yet there is no way to ensure you will get these champions, you have to rely on luck or whatever they decide to do as a guarantee which 99% of the time will be some new champion they are adding to the game. It really would be nice if they added in some way to get these very important champions. I am not talking about meta champions in the arena but things like geomancer or underpriest brogni (i know you could have earned him in the past but I wasnt playing then).



Iron Twins Fortress Guide (29)

Phillip Cecchini

1 year ago

Hades, you need to update your ratings for Unkillable champs for Iron Twins since they’ve been nerfed out and are utterly useless for this now.



Iron Twins Fortress Guide (30)

will bradbury

1 year ago

I currently use Helicath (A3 needs to be booked) (283 speed), Geo (230 speed) (500 acc is ok) (best damage by far, however any damage champ will do, Ninja can be ok, or drexthar). And 3x pain keepers. these are booked but not levelled. 2 of them are 4* and level 12. (215, 214 and 213 speed). Full auto on stage 15 with all affinities. Eharbad has collab with HH in the past (fastest faction war completion) and has a clear video for this comp in action.


Iron Twins Fortress Guide (31)


11 months ago

Retaliatory Launch skill description is inverted. HH is showing “Whenever the Iron Twins’ HP drops below 85%, 70%, 55%, and 40%, instantly attacks all enemies, then removes all debuffs from the Iron Twins.”

The Twins first remove all debuffs and then strike.


Iron Twins Fortress Guide (32)


11 months ago

can u tell whats the drop rates for stages: 11, 12, 13 & 14 ?


Iron Twins Fortress Guide (33)

Ian Murray

7 months ago

Rector, Oella, Lonatharil, Demytha, and Geo. Really janky version of the Geo go burn build, but it works! Up to like level 12ish. Too squish after that…



Iron Twins Fortress Guide (34)


3 months ago

Hi,I have warcaster lvl 50 with 263 speed but he goes after the boss, is it because of the lvl? does it have to be lvl 60?



Iron Twins Fortress Guide (35)

Linkin Rune

2 months ago

I use Geo and Gnut – careful with the A3 but he can react without causing a problem so Martyr could play this role too – and then Pythion, Duhr, and Mithrala. I have used Truath instead of Mithrala for the veil, but then I lose a possible cleanse. In any case, two rezzers or three and another healer with Geo gets it done too. Setup right – sufficient accuracy on Geo, I found 415 works on all levels, turn off Geo’s A2, and get the buffs to hit after Geo lands the burn – this can auto every level

Last edited 2 months ago by Linkin Rune



Iron Twins Fortress Guide (36)

Andrew Singleton

7 days ago

Mithrala as the lead to increase accuracy,
Klodd to increase accuracy and provide shield protection,
Tomb Lord to decrease the speed of the Twins,
Geomancer for the burn reflect
Godseeker Aniri for healing and reviving.

Works well on everything except blue affinity 15 where you need to find an alternative to Tomb Lord for the decrease speed


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Iron Twins Fortress Guide (2024)


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