These Are All the Special Names for Multiple Births (2024)

Even though multiple births are a rare phenomenon, parents continue to be fascinated by the possibility of having more than one baby at a time. They often wonder how many babies are in quintuplets, sextuplets, nonuplets, and more.

It never hurts to know these special names for multiple births—especially since the use of reproductive technologies and fertility drugs have produced more multiples than we've ever seen in the past.

To learn more about multiple births—including how many babies are in quintuplets, sextuplets, and more—keep reading. You'll also find a chart of these terms for multiples, as well as some interesting statistics and trends.

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A Simple Chart of Multiple Birth Terms

This quick reference chart can help you know what to call sets of multiples. The prefixes for the numbers four through nine come from the Latin words for those numbers."Single," "twin," and "triplet" come from Middle English.

BabiesTerm Used
4Quadruplets (Quads)
5Quintuplets (Quints)

How Common Are Twin Births?

According to the U.S. National Vital Statistics Report, there are approximately 31.2sets of twinsborn for every 1,000 live births. This number represents a drop in the number of twin births overall, but it's in line with the fact that singleton birth rates also have declined.

Initially, the number of twin births in the U.S. began rising in the early 1980s, but by 2014, they started to decline again. Since then, twin birth rateshave fallen by an average of 2% between 2014 and 2019 and fell by as much as 7% between 2019 and 2020.

Between 2019 and 2020 the number dropped 3%. But the number of twins born from 2020 to 2021 showed a slight increase of 2%. Researchers note that this small increase occurred among older people who are more likely to use infertility treatment.

Trends in High-Order Multiple Births

The rate of twin births and high-order births began to climb in the 1980s, especially among non-Hispanic white people aged 25 and over, because of the use of fertility drugs and assisted reproduction techniques. While the rate of twin births increased by more than 50%, the rate of triplet and higher-order multiples increased by over 400%.

That rate peaked for triplets and higher multiples from 1998 to 2004 and has since been dropping, again in the same demographic group associated with the rise. This is due to a change in assisted reproduction treatments, especially the transfer of fewer embryos. The rates are still three times what they were in the early 1980s, but have been declining.

New practice guidelines have likely influenced the number of multiples being born in the country each year. Having multiples not only increases the risks of mortality but also long-term morbidity continues to be far higher for triplets and higher-order multiples than for singletons.

Multiple Birth Variations

Multiple births can occur naturally, surprising many parents-to-be, especially if there have been no multiples in their family previously. They may also be a predicted possible outcome of efforts made to get pregnant. Here's a closer look at these variations.


Every month, those assigned female at birth release an egg from an ovary (ovulation), which can then be fertilized by a sperm to form an embryo and, eventually, a developing fetus. If one embryo happens to split into two or more embryos,identical twins (or more) may result. Due to the splitting of the embryo, identical twins share the same DNA. This is why they are always the same sex.


On the other hand, some people release more than one egg during ovulation—they "hyperovulate," so to speak. Experts aren't quite sure why some people hyperovulate and others don't, but there's believed to be a genetic component to it. In addition, age plays a role, as people older than 35 are more likely to release more than one egg during each menstrual cycle.

If a person releases two or more eggs during ovulation, each may be fertilized by a different sperm, forming unique embryos. In this case, twins would be fraternal, not identical; they can be of different sexes or the same sex. Similarly, two (or more) embryos may be formed through assisted reproduction techniques and then transferred to the uterus.

Interestingly, sometimes a combination of the above processes occurs. For example, a personcould hyperovulate, releasing multiple eggs during the middle of their menstrual cycle. These eggs are each fertilized by a sperm, and then one or more of these embryo splits. In this instance, they could have multiple births (such asquadruplets) with two of the babies being fraternal twins and two being identical.

What Are the Different Types of Twins?

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These Are All the Special Names for Multiple Births (2024)


What are multiple births called? ›

Some names for these are: Twins for 2 fetuses. Triplets for 3 fetuses. Quadruplets for 4 fetuses. Quintuplets for 5 fetuses.

What is another word for multiple birth children? ›

A Simple Chart of Multiple Birth Terms
BabiesTerm Used
4Quadruplets (Quads)
5Quintuplets (Quints)
5 more rows
Mar 20, 2024

What is the most common multiple births? ›

Nonidentical twins, the most common kind of multiple birth among humans, occur in about 1 out of every 80 pregnancies.

Which of the following is the most common form of multiple birth? ›

Fraternal twins come from two eggs that are fertilized by two separate sperm and are no more alike than other siblings born to the same parents. They may or may not be the same sex. This type of twins is much more common.

What are 4 births called? ›

Some names for these are: Twins for 2 babies. Triplets for 3 babies. Quadruplets for 4 babies.

What is a multiple birth family? ›

Multiple births include twins, triplets and higher order multiples. In Australia, about 3 in 100 births are multiple babies (TRA).

What is another name for giving birth? ›

accouchement bearing childbearing childbirth delivery labor lying-in parturition.

What is the name for 5 twins? ›

Quintuplets (5) The Lyon quintuplets (born 29 April 1896) were the first American quintuplets who were all born alive.

What are the two types of multiple births? ›

About twins and multiple births

Multiple births are more common than they were in the past, due to the advancing average age of mothers and the associated rise in assisted reproductive techniques, in particular the use of fertility drugs. There are two types of twins – identical (monozygotic) and fraternal (dizygotic).

Can a twin have twins? ›

When a mother is a monozygotic twin, her risk of having twins of the same sex is significantly increased (1.47; 1.10 to 1.97). This is the result of an excess of monozygotic twins (39 pairs estimated, 18 expected). Conclusions: Women who are twins have an increased risk of giving birth to twins.

What month are most twins born? ›

Rate of twin births in the U.S. in 2020 and 2021, by month

In 2021, the month with the highest rate of twin births in the United States was July with almost 33 twin births per 1,000 total births. This statistic shows the rate of twin births in the United States in 2020 and 2021, by month.

How rare are twins? ›

Everyone has the same chance of having identical twins: about 1 in 250. Identical twins do not run in families. But there are some factors that make having non-identical twins more likely: non-identical twins are more common in some ethnic groups, with the highest rate among Nigerians and the lowest among Japanese.

Can twins have different fathers? ›

Yes, it is possible to have twins with different biological fathers.

How rare are sextuplets? ›

Sextuplet births are extremely rare

The Woman's Hospital said the odds of having sextuplets were estimated at one in 4.7 billion. Sextuplet births are extremely rare.

What do you call 10 twins? ›

– Decuplets: a combination of 10 of a kind. In this case, babies!

What are 10 babies born at once called? ›

Decuplets: a combination of 10 of a kind. In this case, babies!

What are 6 births called? ›

Sextuplets can be fraternal (multizygotic), identical (monozygotic), or a combination of both. Multizygotic sextuplets occur from six unique egg/sperm combinations. Monozygotic multiples are the result of a fertilized egg that splits into two or more embryos.

Can you get pregnant while pregnant? ›

Superfetation is a rare event that involves getting pregnant a second time while you're already pregnant. It's so uncommon that cases of superfetation often make headlines. Your body does a good job preventing subsequent pregnancies once an embryo is developing inside your uterus.


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