It's funny how when he started with the doomer videos most people thought it was satire or over exaggeration. (2024)

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  1. 2 weeks ago



    >(As A hom*osexual)

  2. 2 weeks ago



    It's funny how when he started with the doomer videos most people thought it was satire or over exaggeration. (6)

    face what reality? i was allowing you to pay for my hobby. ive never had any intention of working a 'real job'

  3. 2 weeks ago



    It's funny how when he started with the doomer videos most people thought it was satire or over exaggeration. (7)

    Holy sh*t. he's was right.

    • 2 weeks ago



      I should commit suicide.

      • 2 weeks ago



        Pls no!

  4. 2 weeks ago



    Remember he sold the absolute bottom of the crypto market in 2022. He is an absolute hom*osexual with no control over his emotions.

    • 2 weeks ago




  5. 2 weeks ago



    ching chong

  6. 2 weeks ago



    THE FRICKING moron literally describes serfdom, yet, refers to the system as "late stage Capitalism". this is the moronation of IQfy

    • 2 weeks ago



      >actually and unironically watching videos posted on IQfy
      you belong here Black person

    • 2 weeks ago



      late stage capitalism is just a meme word for neo-feudalism you moron

      • 2 weeks ago



        it's NOT capitalism you fricking moron. Capitalism= FREEDOM=absense of government. Laisez Faire FREE market enterprise. Once again, moronic hom*osexual ass dumb asses blaming Capitalism for what Socialism wrought and think they're deep and insightful.

        all economic and political systems are serfdom, they just have different labels that dumb morons think make a difference.

        tell me, is NOT playing football a sport? fricking moron.

    • 2 weeks ago



      all economic and political systems are serfdom, they just have different labels that dumb morons think make a difference.

      • 2 weeks ago



        ever heard of volunteerism you dumb hom*o?

      • 2 weeks ago



        It's funny how when he started with the doomer videos most people thought it was satire or over exaggeration. (8)

        late stage capitalism is just a meme word for neo-feudalism you moron

        this is the kind of moronation that keeps our friends from the other side of the galaxy from visiting.

        • 2 weeks ago



          >think about the heckin aylliums
          I'd rather think about my children and i am sure they would also.

        • 2 weeks ago



          Pipe down hom*osexual

          • 2 weeks ago


            It's funny how when he started with the doomer videos most people thought it was satire or over exaggeration. (9)

            >you violated muh NAP therefore I am justified in McNuking you

            While true, it is remarkable that you just happen to be a pedophile. I'll go so far as to say it is unlikely there is no causation.

            Yes, that is all true, but it also irrelevant.
            I posit that economics as a system of wealth distribution that only matters in the context of state, and for everyone else it’s a distortion to give more power to governments. And thus capitalism is in this sense the opposite of economics and thus incompatible, leading to these increasingly convoluted misinterpretations.
            After all, how could something dealing with the absence of state exist in the category of state wealth absconding. In this respect, the “capitalism” of the majority is an exploration of when these powers of legitimized theft are both at odds with the government, yet many times more effective at managing the scheme.
            It may insofar be the correct definition and a footnote, yet government institutes economics which supplant capitalism. Leading to a word that is highly visible yet describing nothing of existence, begetting repurposing, leading to an oxymoron wherein writing defies usage. To which the irrelevancy stands, why argue in favor for something that doesn’t exist against something that does?

            kek, suddenly, hom*osexuals crossing their arms and replying scornfully

    • 2 weeks ago



      it's NOT capitalism you fricking moron. Capitalism= FREEDOM=absense of government. Laisez Faire FREE market enterprise. Once again, moronic hom*osexual ass dumb asses blaming Capitalism for what Socialism wrought and think they're deep and insightful.
      tell me, is NOT playing football a sport? fricking moron.

      For all you dumb hom*osexuals—ectomorph, no hand-eye coordination having sissies and fat, obese, couch potato pieces if sh*ts, alike.

      When I use the term "Capitalism", I do not use it as you Communists do—"Capitalism is a market of greedy...", "under supervision of corrupt officials", ''exploitative and "evil". I am referring to Free Market Enterprise/Laissez Faire/Basic Human Interactions. The way humans normally interact with each other in the absence of the state (moronic people elected by moronic people as it is in the west, or moronic people who will kill you for recognizing they're moronic). Capitalists, according to that definition, are similar to Communists in so far as both want a stateless society. The only difference is, one really wants a stateless society and the other doesn't really want a stateless society. One espouses FREEDOM over everything else and because of this, Capitalism, according to the given definition, means "without government interference". The only way that can occur is if there is no government, ergo Anarcho Capitalism. AnCap and AnCom are totally different. One is an oxymoron (AnCom), while the other (AnCap) is a necessity as it upholds freedom as its chief principle and seeks to free humans and the market from the only institution that is responsible for the most deaths in all of human existence.

      So when a moronic hom*osexual refers to Capitalism in allusion to "slavery" in any capacity, it is not only relying on the skewed, Communist oxymoronic usage of the term, but, it's effectually contradicting itself. This, too, for the other hom*osexuals who mention "corporations" and allude to Capitalism. Corporations are fictions and functions of the state, after all, therefore are not and cannot be byproducts of Capitalism. Simply put, as long as there is a state, there CANNOT be Capitalism—FREEDOM. What these moronic mommy-men (afraid of competition and reality) refer to as Capitalism is actually serfdom and they are too moronic to see it.

      ever heard of volunteerism you dumb hom*o?

      It's funny how when he started with the doomer videos most people thought it was satire or over exaggeration. (10)

      this is the kind of moronation that keeps our friends from the other side of the galaxy from visiting.

      Who cares about what phrase he used you gay. Libertarianism is a non-starter in large heterogeneous countries. His point is the system's spinning its wheels, if not grinding to a halt.

      • 2 weeks ago



        It's funny how when he started with the doomer videos most people thought it was satire or over exaggeration. (11)

        >moron doesn't comprehend the difference between Anarcho capitalism and libertarianism

        • 2 weeks ago



          >you violated muh NAP therefore I am justified in McNuking you

  7. 2 weeks ago



    That's false. Tech jobs are just going back to normal:

    • 2 weeks ago



      How long until all the useless women who got hired get fired? All they did was eat snacks, go out for coffee, hold useless meetings, browse Facebook, workout, and complain about being tired.

  8. 2 weeks ago



    Tech Blacks coded themselves out of existence lmao

  9. 2 weeks ago



    Fewer*, and why are you hailing a scammer as some sort of authority?

  10. 2 weeks ago



    he becomes more and more crazy

  11. 2 weeks ago



    >there's nothing to build
    I mean is he wrong? /dpt/ just starts seething at me if I ask. What's left to build

  12. 2 weeks ago



    Who's this guy again? I forgot

    • 2 weeks ago



      get rich tech guy who made stuff like "my life as a tech lead" type of stuff, wife left and took the kid and he got very cynical after that.

      • 2 weeks ago



        >and took the kid and he got very cynical after that.
        Tell me more about it. Is he lolcow worthy or just another generic bloomer-turned-doomer guy?

        • 2 weeks ago



          no, not much to say. He's narcissistic but not in a lolcow type of narcissistic way. And his videos are like half satire half serious

          • 2 weeks ago


            His videos way back were actual satire. He's been legitimately serious and stopped being satirical for years now, most likely since his wife rightfully left his hom*osexual ass

  13. 2 weeks ago



    I'm not watching your favorite tube moron. I'm not giving him views, or finding out who this stupid sh*t it. You watch trash like this because you're so frickdumb you just need to hear someone's voice telling you things, no matter what. You disgust me.

  14. 2 weeks ago



    >job market in tech = tech
    Dumb take.

  15. 2 weeks ago



    This guy is a poser.
    Stop watching Tier E content.

    • 2 weeks ago



      frick off, he is god

  16. 2 weeks ago



    I don't care. I fish.

  17. 2 weeks ago



    >the new sewage workers
    It is true.
    It is over.

  18. 2 weeks ago



    ...You're joking, right? This dude is a legitimate douchebag, a scammer, and a psychopathic narcissist who most likely doesn't even write code anymore, assuming he ever truly did.

    If you have to """pretend""" to be behind multiple layers of irony and satire to voice your idiotic opinions, there will come a time when you aren't """pretending""" anymore. That's the real you, and that's most definitely the real TechLead.

    • 2 weeks ago



      >who most likely doesn't even write code anymore, assuming he ever truly did.
      why would you want to write code ever?

  19. 2 weeks ago



    Isn't this a bug whose wife left him with the kids? Also, he was never a millionaire.

  20. 2 weeks ago



    Post TC poorgay

  21. 2 weeks ago



    For all you dumb hom*osexuals—ectomorph, no hand-eye coordination having sissies and fat, obese, couch potato pieces if sh*ts, alike.

    When I use the term "Capitalism", I do not use it as you Communists do—"Capitalism is a market of greedy...", "under supervision of corrupt officials", ''exploitative and "evil". I am referring to Free Market Enterprise/Laissez Faire/Basic Human Interactions. The way humans normally interact with each other in the absence of the state (moronic people elected by moronic people as it is in the west, or moronic people who will kill you for recognizing they're moronic). Capitalists, according to that definition, are similar to Communists in so far as both want a stateless society. The only difference is, one really wants a stateless society and the other doesn't really want a stateless society. One espouses FREEDOM over everything else and because of this, Capitalism, according to the given definition, means "without government interference". The only way that can occur is if there is no government, ergo Anarcho Capitalism. AnCap and AnCom are totally different. One is an oxymoron (AnCom), while the other (AnCap) is a necessity as it upholds freedom as its chief principle and seeks to free humans and the market from the only institution that is responsible for the most deaths in all of human existence.

    So when a moronic hom*osexual refers to Capitalism in allusion to "slavery" in any capacity, it is not only relying on the skewed, Communist oxymoronic usage of the term, but, it's effectually contradicting itself. This, too, for the other hom*osexuals who mention "corporations" and allude to Capitalism. Corporations are fictions and functions of the state, after all, therefore are not and cannot be byproducts of Capitalism. Simply put, as long as there is a state, there CANNOT be Capitalism—FREEDOM. What these moronic mommy-men (afraid of competition and reality) refer to as Capitalism is actually serfdom and they are too moronic to see it.

    • 2 weeks ago



      Yes, that is all true, but it also irrelevant.
      I posit that economics as a system of wealth distribution that only matters in the context of state, and for everyone else it’s a distortion to give more power to governments. And thus capitalism is in this sense the opposite of economics and thus incompatible, leading to these increasingly convoluted misinterpretations.
      After all, how could something dealing with the absence of state exist in the category of state wealth absconding. In this respect, the “capitalism” of the majority is an exploration of when these powers of legitimized theft are both at odds with the government, yet many times more effective at managing the scheme.
      It may insofar be the correct definition and a footnote, yet government institutes economics which supplant capitalism. Leading to a word that is highly visible yet describing nothing of existence, begetting repurposing, leading to an oxymoron wherein writing defies usage. To which the irrelevancy stands, why argue in favor for something that doesn’t exist against something that does?

      • 2 weeks ago



        >but it also irrelevant.
        value is subjective, moron. Didn't bother reading the rest

    • 2 weeks ago



      While true, it is remarkable that you just happen to be a pedophile. I'll go so far as to say it is unlikely there is no causation.

  22. 2 weeks ago



    >isn't named "Tech is dead. I'm done. (As a millionaire)"
    Fake video.

  23. 2 weeks ago



    why are you acting as if outsourcing is a new thing? you realize the biggest wave of outsourcing was literally 20 years ago?

  24. 2 weeks ago



    > nooooo i can't make millions scripting html anymore noooooooooooooooo
    Web devs are akin to lawn mowers.

  25. 2 weeks ago



    He could be as stingy as people say, but he's right here. The Bitcoin blathering is a little cringe though. Hope he's also buying Monero or similar and just keeping quiet about it.

  26. 2 weeks ago



    Why'd he delete all his videos involving his wife?

  27. 2 weeks ago



    Getting "online course" grifter ads every other minute while watching this guy is the cherry on top.

  28. 2 weeks ago



    092 682 296

  29. 2 weeks ago



    le 'i hurt easily and can't stand it so i make myself untouchable by being le ironic cynic'
    does nobody else get a really uncomfortable sense of pity when watching his videos?
    not gonna subject myself to that now
    i also don't believe tech is dead
    but i do believe AI gays will do grave, lasting damage to the software industry
    they made the public believe AI is some magic pill for digitization, an impossible feat
    when people finally realize they've been misled, it will reflect badly on the whole industry
    "you've had your chance, we gave billions to software devs for computer assistants and nothing happened"
    just look at what happened in japan after the second ai winter

It's funny how when he started with the doomer videos most people thought it was satire or over exaggeration. (2024)


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.